View Full Version : In need of support, encouragement, hugs :(

13-05-13, 09:25
After a really good few weeks this morning I have woke up feeling really anxious and weepy. I should be going to pilates this morning but have text a message to say I won't be there. So what has happened?
I went to the dentist in February and was told I needed a root filling. I was referred to the anxiety clinic to have it done. When the appointment came I had tonsillitis so couldn't go. They couldn't give me another appointment saying I would have to be re referred. Went back to own dentist and he referred me again. Waited for appointment..in the end I called the anxiety clinic and they said they no longer had the contract and would be sending patient details back to own dentist. My dentist referred me again last week but now I have toothache!
I phoned my dentist this morning and I have an emergency appointment at 3pm. It looks now as if my own dentist will have to do it anyway and I won't be able to have the sedation!! My alternative is to pay £600 to have it done privately which since I am not working now I really don't want to do!!

I am going on holiday in less than 2 weeks now so the anxiety about this is setting in. I don't think my 3 year old cat is well. he has had loose stools for a few weeks now and I took him to the vet and he had antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds. I took a stool sample with me (it also had blood in it) but the vet just looked at it and didn't test it. Anyway he is worse today, won't eat and loose stools again :( I will have to phone the vet again.

My dad isn't too well, he has back ache (he is 84) but I think he is also worrying about my uncle (dads brother) who has just had a quadruple heart bypass and he is 80.

Sorry but I just needed to have a good moan to someone this morning and my husband is working in London this week. He went on the train yesterday. (I live NE England) :weep:

NE21 worrier
13-05-13, 09:36
Ah, sorry to hear you've not had such a good morning. Obviously, I only know you in an online capacity, but I can tell you are a good person, Annie. You've always got time to listen to my problems. Hugs:hugs:

I think I've mentioned it before but the dentist is one thing I have avoided for years so you're doing well just to confront that problem, I think. It sounds as if you've been let down by a breakdown in communication between the clinic and the dentist - but I just know you will get through this. Hopefully, getting it out the way will also help ease your mind about your other worries. Have you been able to get in touch with your husband this morning?

13-05-13, 09:45
:bighug: :hugs: :hugs: :bighug:

Sorry to hear your having a tough time Annie, I hope everything works out for you soon.

13-05-13, 09:48
Thank you Peter. As you say once I get the dentist appointment out of the way the other problems probably won't seem so bad. I didn't sleep well last night and my anxiety is always worse when I am tired. I just feel like I have so much on my mind at the moment and need to organise it so I am dealing with one problem at a time instead of all at once!
Will speak to my husband tonight, he will be at work now. I know it was an early start for him this morning.

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

Thank you Bekzie x

13-05-13, 09:50
Things can so easily pile up but they can also sort themselves out in a blink of the eye!

Hope you feel a bit better soon :hugs::flowers::hugs:

13-05-13, 09:52
You are right Kelly..I just woke up this morning in a panic and thinking of everything I need to do and sort out. I cancelled my pilates and organised the appointment at the dentists. I have 2 friends visiting this afternoon. One at 12:30 and the other at 4:30 and now the dentist in between at 3! I have yet to organise the vet :(

NE21 worrier
13-05-13, 09:55
Yes, that's something which I need to master as well - i.e. learning to deal with one problem at a time, rather than letting the whole lot overwhelm me.

But, when it's become a habit to get swept up by several worries all at once, it is another thing that's easier said than done, and something which I know I must improve on.

Obviously, it is still a few hours until your appointment at this stage. Do you have little things to do to occupy your mind in the meantime?

13-05-13, 09:56
Have you written a 'to do' list? That sometimes makes me feel a bit calmer when I'm overwhelmed with all the things I need to do.

Look at the positive side of things-you have such a busy day you shouldn't have time to even think about being anxious this afternoon!

Why don't you also plan yourself a relaxing dy for tomorrow to reward yourself for getting through today.

NE21 worrier
13-05-13, 09:58
Ah, just noticed your post in the meantime about your friend visiting at 12.30. Hope your friend can help you out a bit :)

13-05-13, 10:09
That is a good idea to write a to do list Kelly as I sometimes get so overwhelmed that I forget what it is I am supposed to be doing.
Peter I think my friend will at least distract me from my problems as she is bringing her 3 week old baby to see me.
I have decided to leave the cat until tomorrow before I ring the vet as apart from his bowel problems and loss of appetite he doesn't seem too bad and is running around quite happily.

13-05-13, 10:19
Hi Annie, Sorry you are not feeling too good this morning. It looks as if the worry of dad, cat,dentist,holiday drawing nearer etc are all contributing to your anxiety worsening. Too much for your mind to cope with.
It`s a horrible feeling and I hope you feel better as the day goes on.:hugs:

13-05-13, 10:34
Thank you flori...I don't know what I would do without my NMP friends. You are the pnly ones who understand x

13-05-13, 12:26
Hi Annie, you have an awful lot of things to deal with so I'm not surprised you're feeling anxious. Look his well you're dealing with all though, going to the dentist and arranging a visit to the vets. I know when you were really bad with anxiety you'd have stayed in bedroom and not dealt with all of this. You are doing really well Annie and I'm so pleased for you :hugs:

13-05-13, 13:03
You are right Bernie..it isn't that long ago that was stuck in my bedroom all day and night and here I am up and dressed, baking a cake, going to the dentist on my own! :scared15: and planning to go to the vets tomorrow. My friend has just been with her 3 week old baby and the baby cuddles have cheered me up. xx

13-05-13, 13:24
You are right Bernie..it isn't that long ago that was stuck in my bedroom all day and night and here I am up and dressed, baking a cake, going to the dentist on my own! :scared15: and planning to go to the vets tomorrow. My friend has just been with her 3 week old baby and the baby cuddles have cheered me up. xx

Did you manage a baby cuddle and come away vomit free??!! Babies always puke on me.

You're a toughie Annie you'll ace the dentists! Let us know how you get on xx

13-05-13, 13:52
I did manage the cuddles without the baby puke :D Half an hour and I will have to set off for the dentist :scared15: Will let you know when I get back. x

13-05-13, 14:09
Thinking of you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

13-05-13, 17:48
Thank you shaka.
Well I am back from the dentist and it didn't go well. He has filled the hole in my tooth to stop the air getting in for now but it still need the proper filling. My dentist won't do it as he is worried I get anxious. they still don't know where to send the anxiety patients because of the change of contracts. So basically I am stuck! I just stood and cried in the dentist. I am so fed up!!! My only option now is to go private which is going to cost about £500 :(

13-05-13, 18:45
I started replying to your original post, Annie, and then thought it would be an idea to read the other posts.... And guess wot? Everything that came to mind.... Has been suggested already.
You did very well in going to the dentist today I commend you for that. Seriously, with your anxiety of the dentist, it cant have been easy for you. At least it is a temporary fix which should calm the pain down at least.
In many respects, it's good that you have aired your concerns & talked about what's going on at the moment. Did that make u feel a bit better? My partner needs me to go & help with something but I'll check in again sion& see how u r doing.

13-05-13, 19:05
Hi Annie, I'm the same as you and have to have dental sedation. I go private as it was a nightmare trying to get it on the NHS. I pay £19 per month and I get 2 check ups and 2 scale and polishes free per year. I haven't been able to get surgery for the last coupe of years due to agoraphobia and the dentist came out to do my check up. Fillings and extractions etc are free and come under my cover but certain stuff cost extra, I have to pay £50 for IV sedation.

Maybe you should think about getting a denplan policy with a dentist that does sedation. They grade your teeth and the cost per month is based on that.

13-05-13, 19:20
That might be worth me considering Bernie. I have told the dentist he can do it without sedation but he said he is worried I will have a panic attack. I have just phoned the receptionist and she is going to ask again as they are open until 8pm.
Honestly I was just so desperate for them to do my tooth but I shouldn't have to wait this long in pain. I am just so frustrated with it all...Tessar I did air my concerns and talk about it but to be honest I felt like getting hold of one of them and holding them hostage until they fixed my tooth!!!

13-05-13, 19:21
Oh Annie, I've only just come across this as I've been out for the day. I'm really sorry you've got all these things going on - I imagine it must be difficult with your husband away.

I have a dental phobia too. I hadn't been for ages, and then several years ago my brother booked me an appointment and I felt I had to go. The dentist was really nice and I kept going regularly. Then my driving phobia kicked in, and I wasn't able to go any more. A dentist opened up 2 doors down from me (!) and I plucked up the courage and went, but I didn't like her. She talked to her assistant the whole time about personal stuff and the 2 fillings she did fell out a few months later. I haven't been back in a long time, probably a couple of years. Recently where my fillings fell out, my tooth has been giving me a bit of gip. I didn't know you could get sedation, I just wondered if the doctor could prescribe Diazapam or similar for situations like this?

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Sue x

13-05-13, 19:37
I have diazepam and the other dentist there said I should just take that (he used to be my dentist but does private cosmetic dental work now) but my new dentist just seems scared in case I panic :(

NE21 worrier
13-05-13, 20:08
Ah, Annie - sorry to hear it didn't go well. Sounds like a horrible situation and really frustrating too. I hope the temporary fix brings you some relief and you seem determined to get this sorted out one way or another.

Do you think that by taking the diazepam you will have any chance of convincing the new dentist to go ahead with the procedure?

Peter x

13-05-13, 20:15
I suggested that to him a few weeks ago and he said no so I am just hoping the receptionist can convince him otherwise my only alternative will be private.

13-05-13, 20:50
Could you perhaps go to the Dental Hospital? Or does that take too long/need referral? I've never been but notice that they do sedation for anxious patients

13-05-13, 20:51
They need a referral :(

13-05-13, 20:53
That's a bugger :(

14-05-13, 12:11
I made an appointment last night to see a private dentist for Thursday but also phoned my own dentist again to beg! They called me back this morning and said they have been able to refer me as an emergency (which I told them last week they could do as the clinic they refer me to told me that!). I have now cancelled the private appointment and waiting for my emergency one.
My cat seems a bit better today...I cooked them both fish fillets and they seemed quite happy with that :D
I didn't sleep well last night but feeling a bit more relaxed today. Wanted to stay in bed but told myself off and forced myself into town to do some shopping. Thank you everyone for your much appreciated support.

14-05-13, 12:17
Ahhh Annie this sucks I remember a few months back you were doing so well on the mend so to speak! It's stress your tooth being under weather , your dad he is quite old you will worry & although Your so brave to have booked a hol, I can imagine this comming up , won't be easy. Hope your feeling better today XXX just read your last post - glad your cats a bit better & you feel more relaxed xxx

14-05-13, 12:20
You are right Col, it is the toothache that is making my anxiety worse. It is always the same any physical pain sets my anxiety off...I am such a wimp! :D

14-05-13, 12:26
You are Not a wimp.. you just have a LOT to cope with.:scared15:

For you... :hugs:

14-05-13, 12:45
Aww thank you ladybug :)

14-05-13, 13:22
:bighug: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :bighug:

You have been so assertive about this I am very impressed and you have looked after yourself too.
You are NOT, repeat NOT a wimp. Toothache is horrible to endure & this has been going on for ages
so I am not at all surprised it rendered you anxious.

You've done so well Annie..........
You deserve SPECIAL HUGS & CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement

:bighug: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :notworthy: :notworthy: :emot-highfive: :bighug:

14-05-13, 13:28
Aww Thank you so much Tessar...what would I do without my good friends on NMP :)
I have been even more assertive by phoning the dentist I am being referred to and telling them they will receive my referral tomorrow and would they please process it quickly as I am in pain and going on my holidays soon.

14-05-13, 17:29
Hi Annie, How are you today. Did you get on ok at doctor.

F x

14-05-13, 17:36
Hi Flori, I have finally been referred for an emergency dentist appointment at the anxiety clinic. Hopefully will get the appointment sometime tomorrow.

14-05-13, 18:00
Read your other posts. That`s good you will get to see a dentist soon and glad your cat is getting better. That will have perked you up. F x

14-05-13, 18:07
Only just seen this thread , sending you loads and loads of hugs Annie. Hope you are feeling a bit better. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxx

14-05-13, 18:07
I just read all the posts and I don't really have anything helpful to add except some virtual hugs! :hugs: You've handled the situation well and I hope everything will turn out alright! Toothache can be awful to deal with.

14-05-13, 18:43
Thank you everyone :) :hugs:

16-05-13, 20:48
I have found out today that my EMERGENCY referral won't be until July!!! I have booked at a private dental clinic for next Wednesday. It is costing more than I can afford and I really feel for anyone in a worse financial state than me who may have similar problems :(

16-05-13, 21:03
Oh Annie I feel for you, I'm so sorry you're having trouble with this - I've been waiting for cbt since February, it's a nightmare. The nhs and anxiety don't work well together
Sue x

16-05-13, 21:17
Doesn't it feel like things always pile up on you at the wrong time. It also always annoys me that organizations seem to be unaware of how anxious people struggle with delays.
Anyway, worry is the killer and you seem to be feeling overwhelmed at this moment. It always feels like too many things at once seems to get the better of us. One thing at a time is the answer... deal with the top of the list only.. the rest can wait.
I am sure that once your tooth is sorted the pressure will be off and you can deal with the other issues.


16-05-13, 21:29
Oh Annie I feel for you, I'm so sorry you're having trouble with this - I've been waiting for cbt since February, it's a nightmare. The nhs and anxiety don't work well together
Sue x
I hope you get your appointment soon Sue x

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

Doesn't it feel like things always pile up on you at the wrong time. It also always annoys me that organizations seem to be unaware of how anxious people struggle with delays.
Anyway, worry is the killer and you seem to be feeling overwhelmed at this moment. It always feels like too many things at once seems to get the better of us. One thing at a time is the answer... deal with the top of the list only.. the rest can wait.
I am sure that once your tooth is sorted the pressure will be off and you can deal with the other issues.

Thank you Phil..you are right, my tooth is the main concern at the moment and the pain from that is just making everything else seem worse.

16-05-13, 21:30
I have found out today that my EMERGENCY referral won't be until July!!! I have booked at a private dental clinic for next Wednesday. It is costing more than I can afford and I really feel for anyone in a worse financial state than me who may have similar problems :(

Isn't it crazy, Annie..... So much for 'emergency'!!!!!!!

16-05-13, 21:41
I know...I think I would have either used polyfiller or pulled the tooth out myself by then!

17-05-13, 02:00
Thinking of you, hope you feel better soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-05-13, 08:41
Thats ridiculous Annie, having to wait until July for emergency appointment. Toothache is a horrible constant pain and nobody should be expected to wait until then. Try phoning the local health board to see if they can guide you.:hugs:

17-05-13, 12:53
It is stressing me out so much flori that I am going private and getting it over and done with but I will be sending a letter of complaint.

17-05-13, 13:58
Definitely complain Annie. It`s not right that you have to go private or to wait that length of time.