View Full Version : keep finding new lumps and the doctors keep dismissing my concerns

13-05-13, 10:29
So I've been consistently finding new lumps on my body and doctors keep dismissing the lumps without any sort of explanation for them and it's driving me mad. They say it's nothing to worry about but they never do proper medical tests. Should I trust them or should I demand tests be done? Would that be enabling myself?

PS. Does anyone know if allergies can cause swollen lymph nodes as they "don't feel malignant" according to the doctors and I don't have an infection and they've been swollen for many weeks but I do get allergic reactions very frequently (almost daily)

14-05-13, 01:40
I do believe that allergies can cause your lymph nodes to swell, yes.

In regards to the lumps - I have a few lumps that I have had for years and years and finally got the courage to see the doc about. They ran a blood test and said all was well - and I believe them considering I have had them for so long and nothing has happened.

If you are truly concerned, see your doc and tell them that you need to put your mind at ease. They may be able to tell you what the cause might be and they can certainly at least run a blood test to make sure everything is okay.