View Full Version : Breathing into a paper bag

NE21 worrier
13-05-13, 11:52
Hello everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has tried to quell a panic attack by doing this? I've heard that it can be a useful way of dealing with shortness of breath/heavy chest feeling.

However, I have never actually done it, probably because I would be too self-conscious to do so in public but also because I do not want the paper bag to become a crutch and have to carry one around with me at all times.

Thanks, Peter x

13-05-13, 11:58
Hi Peter,

I've not used a bag prob because I've never had one at hand during an attack.

But I do immediately concentrate on slowing my breathing as I feel an attack coming on. I believe it is called 'belly' breathing. I place my hand on my stomach and make sure it rises as I inhale.

I think the paper bag has a similar effect. It also distracts the mind slightly so I think that is why it helps.


13-05-13, 13:53
I've not tried this with a paper bag, but you could cup your hands together and breathe in and out, I think this helps with hyperventilation where we breathe out too much carbon monoxide hence the breathing into the paper bag or cupped hands helps to regulate the balance of oxygen/carbon dioxide in the body.

Belly breathing is also very good as a calming method as Charlie mentioned.

13-05-13, 14:04
The St Johns ambulance gave me a paper bag when I was having a panic attack at Anfield but it didn't work and ended up with the Anfield doctor giving me diazepam. Incidentally...we were playing Newcastle and we won :D My claim to fame is making the Newcastle players late in leaving the ground as the ambulance refused to move from the gates until I was calm and settled in it :)

14-05-13, 19:10
I have done this in the past and it has definitely helped me. The problem is you need to have a paper bag handy and where you can find it .

14-05-13, 19:14
Where do you get paper bags from these days?

14-05-13, 19:15
Really good point ,actually not many places sell them but poundland does have them in now and again.

14-05-13, 19:34
The bags you get your prescription in are good!

14-05-13, 20:20
My chemist gives me my prescription in a little plastic bag.... don't think i will be using that. lol

14-05-13, 20:21
My chemist gives me my prescription in a little plastic bag.... don't think i will be using that. lol

That's a shame-I get perfect size paper ones!