View Full Version : Physical pain symptoms just won't go away!!!!!

13-05-13, 11:52
Hi everyone,

Haven't posted for a few weeks, mainly due to trying to ignore what is happening to me. But nothing is working when it comes to my physical symptoms.

This all started in October 2012 when I had my first panic attack while driving - def felt like I was having a heart attack. Went to A&E and had all the tests. All ok with my heart. Wasn't too bad for a while as I was reassured, but it has started a cycle which I just cannot get out of.

For the last 12 weeks I have this constant pain in my left armpit and down my left arm. Occasionally it makes my fingers tingle and moves into the side of my ribs next to nipple. The pain is dull and feels deep inside rather than on the surface.

Throughout this period, I have tried acupuncture which has definitely reduced my general anxiety levels. I don't have that horrible butterfly feeling very often now. I also haven't had another full blown panic attack for about 6 weeks which also coincides with the time I have been having the acupuncture.

But, why isn't this pain going?? Am I going to have to spend the rest of my life with it (now 43 years old)? Is there anything else I should be trying?

I can relieve the pain by stretching, rubbing and having a hot bath. This would tend to suggest it is just muscular or a trapped nerve, but sometimes it just gets worse when I try and relieve it. I worry now that it is something more sinister, but I refuse to google, so don't know what else it might be.

I know many on here have posted about a similar thing. Just want to share my situation I guess.

Hope you are all having a better day :bighug1:


Mr m anxious
13-05-13, 14:41
Hi Charlie. Very simular to me, I had a panic attack in December 2012 and ever since I've not been right. My neck, shoulders and chest muscles have ached and burned for four months, i sometimes have pins and needles down my left arm and hand. I've just got back from docs and she said its all tension through being anxious, I've now been told this four times! I have a little tinnitus but been told this is due to compressed nerves in my neck. I'm awaiting neuro appointment to be absolutely sure. Hope you feel well soon sorry for long reply.

13-05-13, 15:02
Thanks for reply Mr m. My GP told me that the pain was "myofarcial" or something like that. He reckons it is highly likely to be originating from my shoulder or neck. That is all well and good of course, but I don't want to live with it any longer. I worry that I may have some sort of "viral attack" going on. I am not nauseous, I eat ok and don't get headaches.

Another thing I have noticed is the pain disappears after a couple of alcoholic drinks. I don't use alcohol to medicate although it is sometimes tempting. Lol.

Maybe a chiropractor should be my next step, but I can't really afford it.

Thanks again for replying :)

Mr m anxious
13-05-13, 15:23
Yeah my doc said you probably need a good massage but I'm the same chiro to too expensive at the moment. I must admit tension and nerve irritation does make sense but I too worry about how long is this going to go on. Doc also said watch your posture which I admit mine is very poor but again it comes down yo chiro to sort out. My comfort is knowing that I'm not unique when it comes down too the anxiety symptoms.

---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 15:21 ----------

Forgot to mention if you've had blood tests that will rule out anything viral.
All the best

13-05-13, 15:50
I had blood tests done in October after my first panic attack that I mention in my original post. I know they definitely did cholesterol, white cell, liver function and the enzyme for heart attack. I do not know if they test for anything else as a general rule in A&E.

Would other illnesses need specific blood tests or does anything serious just show up as soon as they look at the blood???

Mr m anxious
13-05-13, 16:38
I think the blood tests cover b12, iron and third also, when I was in hospital my White cells was slightly on the high end so they kept me on overnight. They re-tested me the next day and blood was normal so they let me go home. So if your White cells were high if usually means viral infection or something sinister. They'd investigate further if they were high.