View Full Version : Is anyone here? having a panic attack

27-09-06, 14:55
Hi...everyone...have not been here in a while.....actually a long time...back in school. Also my attacks have become less frequent, but I am having one now...it has been off and on since last night. I just feel really shaky and my heart is gooing fast....I feel like my mind cant really focus...and I cant talk right. Just seeing if anyone was here.

27-09-06, 15:08
i came here looking for support through this..hoping anyways....3 people have read and no posts. well I am going to go and come back. This is the first time I have had an attack and no one talking to me here.

27-09-06, 15:12
how are you coping? i hope it will pass soon....
i also had anxiety today where i thought i couldn't cope today...but it is gone now....

27-09-06, 15:22
hi blonde angel,

Sorry to hear your not feeling too good, it will pass, i promise,it always does. It sounds more like a anxiety attack than a panic attack, as a panic attack is more dooming, and you've had it on and off last night.
Try some breathing techiques, and maybe some distraction, try some online games or singing really loud to your favourite music. Think of something you did recently that was REALLY funny.

Becci x

27-09-06, 15:27
Just breath through it. It will pass.
You know the score with these monsters.
They cant get the better of you and they wont.

Just a little blip. You have done fine before and will today.

Hope you are feeling better

Hay x

27-09-06, 15:48
Hi there - sorry i missed you when you were on line! I have been looking for people to talk to today too but it has been pretty quiet here. It is even harder when you feel you are alone. Hopefully by now things will be settling down and you will be feeling better soon. Well done for being back at school! Remember a relapse is part of the recovery - you are doing well! Take care - Nicola.x


28-09-06, 01:16
Hello, sorry you are feeling so awful. Panic Attacks are so scary. I have them myself and sometimes I feel so alone. You just have to breath,count , distract yourself, talk to someone, get outside, something to help yourself gain control. The worst time for me is the middle of the night when the PAs wake me up from sleep. It is so scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been taking meds as a last resort. (Not telling you to do this though, thats up to you). Anyway I am sending you my support and hope you feel alright!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) You aren't alone here.


28-09-06, 16:56
hi blondeangel sorry to hear that you were not yourself yesterday , you are not alone . distract yourself from this awlful felling .think happy thoughts take yourself a walk .Remember there is always someone here for you. Chin up you will get better.

28-09-06, 18:09
Sorry I was offline. I hope you are OK now. I use to get them often, but once I came to know that they would soon pass, I became quite immune to it. I do once in a while get them, but they seem to come after some exercise or food intake. So far the recent few attacks I had seem to be manageable.

Two heads
28-09-06, 20:07
Hi there!
Hope you are feeling more yourself now sweet,you will be fine just that horrid gremlin againxxx