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View Full Version : A huge thank you!

13-05-13, 14:21
Hi all,

I just wanted to say a big big thank you to everyone that has been supporting me on this site. I am now in week 6 of taking 40mg fluoxetine and I am beginning to feel more like the 'old me.' I've been laughing, making jokes, enjoying my social life etc whereas even just over a week ago I was convinced I would never feel 'normal' again!

I honestly don't think I could have got through the hellish side effects I experienced for the first few weeks had I not discovered NMP and the wonderful members who have been so kind and helpful. :yesyes:

And for anyone who is struggling at the moment - please know it won't last forever.
If you are struggling please feel free to PM me anytime as I truly believe that the support I have received from other members is what has helped me get to this place just now.

Keep positive everyone. :hugs:
Love, J x

13-05-13, 14:23
Hi J,

That is so good to hear I am really pleased for you, keep up the good work :)

13-05-13, 14:25
Glad you are feeling better Jelly. It is good to read a positive post.


13-05-13, 15:30
Great to hear chick :) x x

13-05-13, 17:03
YAY! And thank YOU for all the support you've given me when I've needed it the most. You really deserve to be feeling well and happy again. xxx

Bond Girl
13-05-13, 17:45
Great news hunny x x All hail the pills of great happiness!!! X x

13-05-13, 19:41
Great news, glad it has started to work for you, it is such a great feeling when you know you have turned the corner.

I told you it would be worth it.


13-05-13, 20:00
Thank you all - you are so amazing! I hope you are all having a lovely and relaxing evening
J x

13-05-13, 20:39
That's a lovely positive post, jelly, and a pleasure to read.... Thank you for sharing.....

13-05-13, 21:51
Great news Jelly- you are valued just as much for all the advice and support you are giving others along the way! Xx

15-05-13, 19:48
Thanks all! Hope everyone is doing well :D
J x

21-05-13, 19:16

I'm really glad it you're feeling better now :). Thank you for posting it. It has made me more optimistic.

21-05-13, 19:48
Awww that's good Bella. How are you doing? Are you in the early days of taking fluoxetine?
J x

21-05-13, 20:41
hey jelly,how wonderful to hear about ur wellness.im so pleased and pray that all of us get well really soon and i mean REALLY soon.best of luck to everyone.loads of bestest wishes for u jelly dear.

26-05-13, 18:27
Thank you so much Shehla.
Yes I too very much hope everyone gets well soon.
J x