View Full Version : sharp leg pain for nearly 2 weeks?

13-05-13, 16:23
I've had this pain for a fortnight now. I get a sharp throbbing in my instep that lasts about 10 seconds until I stretch it out. I'm 19 btw. Not on any bcp. I know leg pain doesn't sound very concerning and I'm used to aches but this is getting pretty hard to deal with.

I keep getting this shooting feeling on the inside of my calf and sometimes it travels right up my leg into my kneecap, back of knee and groin. It's like a 8 or 9 in pain terms. Sitting down actually makes it worse because I have to compress my knees. Walking about makes it slightly better.

I'm still worried I could have dvt and have been feeling a bit breathless. But I've seen 3 different drs who all tell me not to worry unless its swollen. I also get this pain whenever my knee is bent or the circulation is restricted.
I don't think it's muscle pain at all. Im just worried because it really isn't getting better and I need to take pain pills everyday.

2 weeks ago I was in hospital and my d dime was a little raised. But they refuse to do more tests. What the frick could this be?!

16-05-13, 08:30
I just made a post on the same thing yesterday, I too have had a sharp pain in my calf since last Sunday, I have no swelling, no redness, no discolouration, it doesnt hurt when I walk, just when I bend the leg or "squat down" I'm in my 30's and on Progesterone Only, so I was feeling especially scared of DVT! I felt quite reassured after posting, I think really I know deep down myself that it isnt anything serious, but I too have been worrying day and night over it. I am going into hospital tomorrow for an op and I am wondering if I am actually bringing on the pain myself, before I have even had the op?!?! I dont know, all I know is that DVT is something that I have worried about over the years. I hope you can take some comfort from knowing you are not alone.

17-05-13, 07:20
Thanks for your reply, its weird how similar your pain sounds to mine. Especially the bit about bending the knee. I keep getting it in 5 or 6 different spots in my leg at different times. Sometimes it's a stabbing pain in my inner thigh, other times it's the very bottom of my foot! I thought it was getting better but it's back again in full force :(

I thought it could be sciatica but I get it at the front of my leg too so it can't be that.
Please let me know/update me. Your doctor might be more helpful than mine :)