View Full Version : White particles in urine -scared :-(

13-05-13, 17:14
For a few days now I have white particles floating in my urine. I am terrified its my kidneys failing or something. I have never noticed this before. I did one of those dipstick tests and it was ok but scared whats causing it :-(

13-05-13, 22:03
Hi sunflower. I can understand why you'd be scared about this but I think it can happen naturally and not be something to worry unduly about. Over a decade ago I had a kidney infection & my mother freaked me out about it (even thou it was gone by the time she made me worry... (Very counter-productive I know....). Anyway, because of her worrying me, I got into the habit if inspecting my urine allthe time to make sure it was ok.... I was like this for ages but eventually got bored with it. Really this was so long ago now & I look back and wonder why I let my mother freak me. I get those floaty bits now and I did then, I don't think they are anything more than dead cells leaving the body. Obviously I am not an expert in these matters and of course if you did feel unwell, then you would want to get checked out. But you did say your dipstick test was ok so most likely it's just one of those things.

emma jo
14-06-13, 13:45
hi i had that a few times over years and i been fine its been nothing . i didnt go see a doctor for that . having health anxiety is horrible i had it since i was 22 im 34 now im always worrying about different things a lot of cancer. I get rid of one worry then get another im new to this site as a friend told me about it . it can be anything that triggers it off the way i eat something or drink something something i read or just wake up with a worry it happen so fast i dont even realise it sometimes i have worried about so many things over the years . im having cbt at moment but its still very hard i think stress makes it worse and lack of sleep my hormones and bad diet i suffer from ocds too. my ha has gone and come back over years it did go away for two years about 3 years ago im hoping to get my anxiety levels down somehow :)

14-06-13, 13:46
Are you female? Could it be discharge from the vagina?

06-09-14, 01:45
I'm dealing with this right now too. :( (Female, mid-30s)

06-09-14, 03:27
I get it sometimes as well, I am female and I notice it around the time I ovulate sometimes, so I think its just discharge.

06-09-14, 12:03
I think it's discharge as well. It's happened if me on occasion.

06-09-14, 12:16
I started inspecting my urine when I was freaking out about cancer a few months ago. I had exactly the same fear when I noticed white particles, I was sure I must have been diabetic and that must have been caused by pancreatic cancer.
However, now that I'm over that scare, I know im not diabetic and no longer think I have cancer, I still see those little white bits every single time I go for a wee.They were probably there all along, I just hadn't paid that much attention before and had never noticed. Like others have said, I think it's a combination of dead cells and discharge and I think it's really normal x

06-09-14, 14:07
I had this fear too a few years ago... might have posted on here about it, but I don't remember. I think it's common. I know I have it sometimes and all my urine tests have been fine. If you aren't in pain or bleeding, I'm sure it is just the same thing.

06-09-14, 15:04
Do you feel ill ?

20-10-17, 21:59
My anxiety has been getting on top of me this evening and I'm currently scared about this too. I only notice if I look very carefully, but my urine has little white floaters in it. It does kind of look like it could be dead skin. I hope that's all it is and it isn't dangerous.