View Full Version : so scared. i think i am dying

13-05-13, 18:15
since january things have taken a really bad turn for me
i've diagnosed myself with MS, ovary cancer, blood clots, brain tumors, stomach cancer, celiac diseases, multiple brain disorders and have even considered i might suffer obsessive compulsive disorder

i've been feeling some really odd symptoms and i am CONVINCED that I have a brain tumor and nothing is helping me convince myself otherwise

here are some symptoms i've been feeling

dizzy (but not extreme)
faint (but i never faint or fall over)
i have periods where i like i'm suffocating
my neck hurts
i have facial pain
i get really bad pains in my head
tense shoulders
severe panic attacks

my wisdom teeth are growing in. i really don't think they are causing the pain
i believe it is a tumor and i will die very soon

i tell myself almost every day this is my last day on earth
i'm 20 years old...
i also have no insurance
i've tried reaching out to family and my boyfriend but they all say "you're fine"

i feel like i'm going to die very soon and i am scared
all i can think of are symptoms and if something hurts i think "it's because of my tumor"

13-05-13, 18:17
Your symptoms all sound like symptoms of anxiety which I am sure is more likely to be the case. Have you seen your GP about this?

13-05-13, 18:18
no, i don't have a doctor :[ i don't have enough money to see one and have no insurance. my grandparents won't take me to see anyone because they don't think anything is wrong

13-05-13, 18:20
I really don't know how things work in USA regarding medical appointments butI do think you need to see a doctor about your anxiety.

13-05-13, 18:30
Sandra, you said in another post that you had seen someone in the past regarding your health. Did you have CBT as well as meds.

13-05-13, 18:35
I saw a doctor about 4 years ago, I went to therapy and had medication but not since

13-05-13, 18:38
Is it only recently you started feeling unwell again ?

13-05-13, 23:16
Your symptoms and mindset sound exactly like mine.

It's funny hearing it from another person because you're so young and I bet there's absolutely zero wrong with you.

Your symptoms are very non specific and seem quite mild. I often get this suffocating feeling too. Dizziness is nothing to worry about unless you literally black out and lose consciousness.

Anxiety would cause all of your symptoms.
I have had every one of them myself.

When I have a panic attack my arms literally go numb and get pins and needles and I think I'm having a stroke. Anxiety produces very real symptoms.

I don't think your symptoms are severe enough to signify anything wrong with you. I have seen enough doctors and been told this over and over again. Learn from my mistake :)