View Full Version : Relly embarassment about teeth

13-05-13, 18:41
Over the last five years or so I had a really embarrassment about how my teeth look (okay got a few marks) had some dental work done (I feel really silly that I needed it doing) and it upsets me that I got a difficult mouth to clean. I get really worried going to the dentist (even though currently my dentist is fantastic) and she says I have done better keeping them clean.

I do really hate my teeth (I don't smoke or drink) I try my hardest not to eat too many things bad for teeth (soda, cakes, candy etc) and minimum fruit

I don't want dentures at nearly 30 (would prefer implants, white fillings, inlays, Veneers, bridges etc if needed)

I don't feel confident, whether females like guys who have nice teeth (I always go for personality in a female, but a nice smile helps)

I hope stress does not cause cavities (but trying not to Google this)

13-05-13, 21:35
Hi, I am sure that stress won't cause cavities and if you are doing the things to minimise eating things that are ad for your teeth, then you are doing the best you can, if your dentist says you are doing better with cleaning your teeth, then you must be. They won't say that to you just to make you feel better... They will mean it.

It's actually hard to believe it when they say stuff like that isn't it? I have had the same thing with my dentist. He tells me I keep them clean but I feel like I don't. Perhaps it's just the way I am programed, not to believe people. But I shall take my own advice on that one, if he tells me I do them well, I must do.

I'll tell you something else as well.... In terms of finding a suitable partner, I used to think that I didn't have very nice teeth, my top Front ones cross over which I didn't think was very attractive, my partner (many years down the line) still tells me that my smile was one of the things that attracted her to me. I still feel bashful when she says it. I'd often say my teeth are horrible & she'd tell me off... Most especially because, as I say, she likes my teeth. Dare I say that my crossed over teeth were pet of what she liked.

Oh and the final irony is that I have always thought my partner has lovely straight and well proportioned teeth (not all crooked like me in). Well this is true but she always tells me her teeth have stripes on. But you know what? I still never notice that even if she says about it.

You carry on looking after your teeth as best you can, that is all any of us can do. I didn't look after my teeth really and have paid for it with some decay. I always encourage young people not to make the same mistake. It's not too late for you.

Oh and from a practical point of view, I have a very narrow jaw so my teeth are really tightly packed. My wisdom teeth were a bit of a nightmare but after they came out, it was much, much easier for me to keep my mouth clean.

Don't feel silly about needing dental treatment, it happens to the best of us,come of it is down to what your teeth are like in the first place, regardless of how you look after them. So some of it is out of your control, but what you can do is carry on the good work that you are already doing.