27-09-06, 16:40
HI EVERONE, hope you are all coping ok.

I have had 2 brilliant months, hardly any panic attacks :D
However this week they have returned........
but I really belive I can crack this after 5 years of having panic attacks.

I have notised something about my panic attacks,,

when I panic I have notised that I walk faster to get away, so what I do now is slow right down ( it helps calm me) .
As for my fear of passing out and going dizzy, I am now trying to face this fear HEAD ON.

I have to visit the old local park , twice a week and go on the roundabout and spin around really really really fast !!!
This terrifies me but I belive if I can practise the roundabout and get used to the sensation of being dizzy then hopefully if I get slightly dizzy when out shopping, I hopefully wont panic ?

Another thing Ive been practising is fein shui, because it explains how our surrounding can make us feel uncomfortable or relaxed.



27-09-06, 16:48
dear lord mirry!!!!!

Round abouts scare me! lol something that helped me confront panic a il was to stand in one spot and spin around with my arms out. I certainly could not go at a round about, but you go girl!!!

I do meditation alot, in differant forms. i do stillness, just quieten the mind, and i do visualisation on, i have my own little private japanese garden! I also relax to music which gets me visualising aswell.

Becci x

28-09-06, 00:33
What nips my panic in the bud is simply reminding myself they are not dangerous which keeps my thoughts from spiraling out of control. I also counter my thoughts in a tea form daily to keep my anxiety under control.

28-09-06, 07:24
hi mirry

I find what helps me is to face the panic and welcome it, I just think "ok if youre coming I will deal with this, it cant hurt me" and I find this relaxes me immensely, because I do believe that fear breeds fear, and the longer we allow the attacks to frighten us, the longer they will rule our lives.

I also think having something good to look forward to however small is a good for me, it helps me think positively. I keep practising positive thought and I know I will beat this :D I know you will too

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

28-09-06, 11:32
I always drop my shoulders and jaw (attractive) and slow down the pace of whatever it is I am doing at that minute.

I also try and breathe from my tum tums and think to myself "so flippin what"!

If my general levels of anxiety are poor then I go back to listening to Glenn Harrold cd's everyday again.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-09-06, 15:30
I recite a poem in my head (sometimes out loud if I'm feeling mad enough!) and breathe in for a count of 7 and out for a count of 11. It's quite hard when you're walking along but when driving it really helps to calm me down.


28-09-06, 16:49
Well done Mirry! You could be violently sick, but you could also be violently well! You can crack it[^]

If I detect any trace of anxiety - quite rare nowadays - then I listen to my alphadynamics Moorland guided visualisation. After about 2 or 3 minutes I am calm and understand where the anxiety is coming from, so I just enjoy the CD.


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

29-09-06, 17:20
Hi mirry. What a good idea! I get so much dizzier on the roundabout now than when I was a little kid, so it wouldn't take me long to feel that!!

I tend to think about my breathing and breathe slower. This helps taking away the early symptoms. I also talk to myself (in my head!). I tell myself that its not really panic, its just hunger, or tiredness. Then I distract myself by doing something else, like singing along with some music, which also helps my breathing. Not sure about other people's ears though!

Nigel, I love your description. Don't know about someone sneaking up... but thats what the PAs do. I just try to say "oh, its only you" and carry on with whatever I'm doing. I start off faking calmness, but it gradually becomes the real thing.


29-09-06, 17:43
i wear a hair band on my wrist and ping it to shock me into thinking then i can concentrate on breathing. i stop what i'm doing if i can to calm me

at home i do tai chi as this helps me focus and teaches me how to breathe properly


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past