View Full Version : head pain, numbness and clenching my teeth/jaw?!?!

13-05-13, 20:24
hey guys
as you may have seen i get really bad brain tumor anxiety and was wondering if anyone gets my exact symptoms or some of them?
heres a 'few'
head pain
burning sensation
numb feeling
sensative to lights
clenching teeth/jaw

help would be appreciated alot

13-05-13, 20:29
I've been getting many of these symptoms lately.

13-05-13, 20:36
its not nice to deal with
do you often worry about it too?

13-05-13, 20:40
Yes, every second of every day. Very dismal. I can't concentrate or enjoy anything I enjoy.

13-05-13, 20:47
thats how i feel too.
specially when im doing nothing and sitting around i think about the symptoms more

13-05-13, 21:00
I get all those symptoms. I had BT anxiety for months last year and convinced myself I was at deaths door! The symptoms did disappear for a while but I find them coming back from time to time even when I'm not anxious. It's the symptoms that make me anxious :huh:! The dizziness and off balance feeling are the worst. xx