View Full Version : Advice please, health anxiety questions and Zoloft

13-05-13, 22:12
Hi everyone
I am new here, I have been reading on these forums for years now and have found it very useful so thought it was about time I give it a go and get some advice as I feel like I am going insane!!

It all started few years ago when my mom had a serious operation from then on I constantly think something is seriously wrong with me!

I am always concerned about my heart, 100% positive I am going to have a heart attack and any slight pain in my arm panics me. Also think I have a brain tumour and ms. A lot of people with health anxiety say they only get symptoms now and again but I am literally feeling like crap every single day I look at people wishing I was them because they see, 'normal', I am never happy anymore unless its when I have a drink! I only have a drink on weekends which at the time makes me feel much better!

My latest anxiety is a numb/tingly sensation in the bottom of my face which scares the absolute hell out of me, it never goes away, doctor says its nothing but sometimes I just think they aren't takin me seriously anymore!

I was on citalopram for a year which helped came off it and now I am worse, been to doctors today who has given me Zoloft as I don't want to take citalopram again due to the horrific side effects (when I took this previously I had a massive breakdown/something weird happened and was generally unwell for a month so didn't really notice side effects too much as already felt very unwell!) prob all linked to the HA again!

Zoloft making me feel crap, but maybe my mind playing tricks on me as I have done nothing but google it since I got it this morning! I am also obsessed with google lol!

Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.
