View Full Version : Back again

13-05-13, 22:20

I joined this forum three years ago following a breakdown and I found it extremely helpful. I made a full recovery from panic, anxiety and depression which had me suicidal back then.

I went back to work. I got back on trains and I even managed to take the Tube last year. And I had the confidence to apply for and get a job doing something creative and wonderful. I never hid my breakdown and I'm pleased to say that it has never been used against me where I work. In fact my openess appeared to be considered a strength. In addition I started a business with my husband.

Cipralex was my saviour and I've been taking it for three years. It's given me my life back and more.

BUT very insidiously my depression has been creeping back in at the edges. And I've begun to notice that my days are marred increasing with black clouds. Then two weeks ago I was made redundant. And it all came crashing back in like a huge wave.

So I'm back. Back in therapy, back on diazepam and back in the torture of anxiety as the GP has increased my meds.

Atnleast this time I KNOW there's light at the end of the tunnel and that this too will pass.

14-05-13, 01:10
Welcome back!

Sorry to hear you have had a relapse. I hope that you can get through this tough time as quickly as possible and find some comfort being back here.

Kitti :)