View Full Version : Fear of retinal detachment

14-05-13, 00:59
So I recently quit a very stressful job and hoped that would help with the visual symptoms I've had over the past few weeks with anxiety: floaters, possible flashes, trails, all that fun stuff.

But these past couple days I can't seem to shake this fear that my retina (or perhaps both retinas) is going to detach. I have floaters, but I'm not sure I have any more than I've always had and I'm just noticing them more. I also have these things that I'm not sure I can even call flashes, but they're usually in the corner of my eye, they aren't particularly bright, but they are scary and they don't seem to be going away. I also occasionally get these tiny colored prism things when looking at my computer or smartphone that scare me half to death as well. They last for less than half a second.

I've had no blurred vision, which would probably scare me so bad I'd immediately head to the ER.

I had a really bad week about a month ago where I went to see a different optometrist than my usual one about these "flashes" and he told me he saw no evidence of a retinal tear or detachment and said I wasn't at a particularly high risk for one, not being highly myopic or having other predisposing factors. But my symptoms only seem to be getting worse. I have an appointment with my regular eye doctor tomorrow and I have a good feeling he'll find nothing wrong with my eyes. In the meantime, can anyone calm my fears? :unsure:

14-05-13, 01:37
Ugh, I have all of the things you have mentioned! Some of it I really do think is anxiety - I notice it more when I'm feeling especially anxious - but others may be things that are totally normal but because you're noticing a couple of things you're paying more attention to it than you normally would. Anxiety can make you crazy!!

Do you get migraines at all? I have had them for years but never had auras or eye-related symptoms until a couple months ago when I had an aura and then lost part of my vision - talk about terrifying. I rushed to the eye doctor and had a quick exam only to find out that it was migraine related (and the worst migraine of my life hit about an hour later). But you can get some of these things without having any head pain at all - happens to me sometimes and it may be part of that.

Overall though, when your retina detaches you lose part of your vision - I believe it turns black. Very clear cut symptom-wise (and your doc was right - you're probably not at high risk and retina detachment is really quite rare). Even if it does happen, you can rush to the ER or an ophthalmologist and they will fix it for you. It doesn't necessarily mean you'll go blind as long as you don't leave it untreated.

Best of luck to you and I hope you feel better!

14-05-13, 04:05
Thanks for the reply and the well wishes!

I don't get migraines as far as I know. My mom has them, and hers are always accompanied by intense headache pain. I only have mild headaches, and I think those are stress-related (although they are quite freqent).

But to be honest, at this point I would be THRILLED if I could put this down to just migraines. You can live with migraines. I'm not sure I'd be able to without my sight.

But yeah, I know it's still basically fixable in the worst case scenario, but I think I'd still have the panic attack of a lifetime if it did happen to me.

---------- Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

Anyone else? All advice is appreciated. :)

14-05-13, 19:28
Figured I'd update everyone on how the appointment went today.

My eye doc dilated my eyes, took a look around and told me I have young, healthy retinas. Also did retinal imaging and put my picture up next to a picture of a healthy retina and they were practically identical. Told me that everything I've been seeing over the past few months was 100% normal, and that if I had the flashes that signify a retinal tear or detachment, they would be 24/7 and I "would know".

So I'm feeling better, I suppose, but now I'm wondering if my eye problems have an origin outside the eye.

14-05-13, 19:34
hi, im 17 years old and tomorrow im going to the eye doctor. For a whole month i been worrying about retinal detachment. i have static all over my vision, floaters, and i seem to be getting more and more new ones every day. i have so many its nuts. I also see flashes of lights. and sometimes i see them in my peripheral vision. but sometimes i don't know if its flashes, or i just didnt realize i just blinked haha! from what i ready its really rare and most peoples eyes are fine. but like us our anxiety gets the best of us so tomorrow im going to the eye doctor. for reassurance and to see if they can find out what the heck is wrong with my eyes. best of luck to you :)

14-05-13, 20:19
Thanks for the reply Clank!

You're probably going to walk away with a clean bill of eye health. That "static" vision you're describing sounds like visual snow, and I have it too, but I only really notice it at night. Others see it at all times. It's a medical mystery, but it has been linked to migraines. Let us know how your appointment goes!

15-05-13, 00:12
Try not to worry. My ex-boyfriend was unlucky enough to have retinal detachment at age 16 in both eyes. He was told that it was rare even in one eye.. Lol.

Remembering back, he said for about a week it was like a black veil was draped across half of his eyes and that everything appeared 'twisted', he described it as very noticeable and said it was like a 'fairground mirror'. I remember telling him he was being silly.. After a few days he went to the doctor who sent him to an eye doctor and they diagnosed it. He went for surgery the next day and they put 'buckle' type things in his eyes and he was fine after that, back to normal apart from his eye looked bloody for a few days and he had to wear a patch.

I'm not an eye doctor but he really did know about it when he had this, and he never had floaters or anything :) I've had floaters in eyes since I was young and I'm told it's nothing to worry about x

15-05-13, 01:02
I'm actually nervous to go the appointment. well im scared of all doctors but thats just me. Mainly because i might discover something serious. and im scared of getting my eyes dialted hah I am a big wuss. but i know i have to go so im going to go and try to man up

15-05-13, 01:34
There's no point in being afraid of doctor's visits. Think of it this way: them finding something is the first step toward getting it treated.