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View Full Version : Im only 26 but have an endometrial polyp or something else?

14-05-13, 01:01
Im 26 years old and have been having irregular heavy bleeding for months now. My husband and myself have been trying to conceive for over two years with no luck. The doctors initially put this down to my pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) but after doing a tranvaginal ultrasound few weeks ago they found a mass or something on my endometrium. I will also be having an endoscopy for suspected endometrius. The consultant said it looked like a polyp and will be referring me for an hysteroctopy operation. They will also be doing a dye test and possible ovarian drilling to help with ovulation. I've done some googling and have been seeing a lot of "uterine and endometrial cancer. I'm a little freaked out. I also always thought that polyps were more common in women in their late thirties or fourties and above? Are there any younger women out there whose been in a similar position to myself?

14-05-13, 08:04
I'm a bit older than you but I had a polyp removed a year ago by hysteroscopy. I had bleeding between my periods. I too worried about uterine cancer. The consultant assured me that I had a 99% chance it wasn't. He said it was rare in women of child bearing age. When I came round from the anaesthetic of the hysteroscopy, the consultant came and discussed the op. He told me that everything looked fine and the he had removed a polyp. I also had a D&C. I waited 2 weeks for the biopsy results which were all fine.
I'm certain your experience will be similar.
Have you ever tried medication for your PCO? Clomid or the like?
Good luck x

14-05-13, 11:35
Hi Mipsy,

Sharing your experience really helped- so thanks for that.
I was placed on metaformin which Ive been taking since October 2012 but no clomid as of yet. Its something that I want to speak to my consultant about as they want to try ovarian drilling to help with the fertility but really- I don't want my ovaries drilled unless absolutely necessary, really its a last resort. I think because of the bleeding etc. that's why I haven't been put on the clomid yet. I guess they're trying to sort one issue out at a time. I haven't yet received a date for operation but will post my results on here once received!!

Is uterine cancer still something you worry about?

14-05-13, 19:13
No i dont worry any more. I think the hystetoscopy helped. Ive had 2 now and all seems back to normal. Ive had 2 children who are still young. I dont plan on having any more. I remember the consultant saying that the majority of uterine cancers were in post menopausal women.
However, my anxiety still remains. Im currently worrying about a hard lump in my neck beloe my ear! The joys of HA!
A good site you should join is "Babycentre".Th forums there are great. There's one on PCOS. Good luck and post to say how you get on x