View Full Version : Please Help Me

14-05-13, 01:04
I am going crazy and crying and putting on a brave face for my family but inside i am crumbling more everyday (There is no light) i feel physically ill dizziness sickness tight back and neck muscles pinching pain in my head i think something wrong but my doctors have said its anxiety and its been 3 months i have been doctors 18 times and rang nhs direct numerous times no one can tell me whats wrong i cant take my tablets because they make me feel more dizzy and that just make me feel worse. these physical symptoms come and go but come up when am not feel anxious which makes me think its not anxiety. I feel like i am losing my mind asking myself and unanswered questions for 3 months that still has no answer i literelly just sit in my chair and wait for the days to pass until i feel better i cry most days and it ripping me to bits.

14-05-13, 07:02
Hi Mantma
Sorry you are feeling so bad. The symptoms you are describing are definitely anxiety related. You don't have to feel consciously anxious for these feelings to occur. It is very distressing when you feel this way and are constantly searching for a reason. What tablets has the doctor given you? Whilst there might be some side effects when you start them I do think you should give them a chance as they should make you feel better in the long term. Some people don't experience any side effects at all and start to feel better very quickly. I know that was the case with me and seroxat. I can understand you not wanting to rely on meds though. Has you doctor offered any sort of counselling? This may be a better option for you. There is an online package you can access through this site. I've not used it myself but I know others on here have found it very helpful.
I know it's hard but you need to take some action. Sitting in your chair all day will not help. This is not a criticism in any way as I know how hard it can be. Try and look at some online relaxation techniques. Even going for a 30 min walk can help. There are plenty of people on this site who can offer words of wisdom and comfort. You may have a long journey ahead of you but you will get through this. You just need to take the first step. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You've already done this in a way by posting on here.
Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on.
Take care
Sal x

14-05-13, 09:38
Hi Mantma

Sending you a big hug :bighug1:

Most of us here can totally identify with your post as we have all been there.
Yes, it is anxiety related. Try setting yourself simple little goals like maybe reading for a while or ring up and friend and have a chat, or put on a good movie and try to concentrate on that other than the anxiety. I find distraction really works for me. Sitting in a chair all day really won't help so please try to do something even if it's just a small thing to try to refocus your thoughts.

Like you I also didn't get on well with tablets and would have all sorts of side effects that I found more difficult to tolerate than the actual anxiety. My Psychiatrist suggested several drugs and I declined them all after the bad experience I had with the first one. What I found did work for me was using distraction techniques and soothing myself when I got distressed.
I would be happy to talk to you further if you think anything I have said could be of help to you.