View Full Version : not sure if I had a seizure trying to go to sleep last night

14-05-13, 05:27
I think I may have had a seizure going to sleep last night. I was in a half asleep state for a few hours and have vague recollections of my feet moving back and forth in jerky motions repeatedly. I guess it may have been a dream but it seemed very real and it now has me worried. I'm not sure really what to think about it, I hope I'm not starting to have seizures

14-05-13, 08:03
Oh Eek, poor you! I know exactly what you're going through. Those half-asleep states play havoc with our anxiety. I sometimes think I am having a stroke or heart attack or some other health problem in the night yet when I wake up in the morning, I'm perfectly fine and don't ever experience the same feeling during the day so it must be a night time panic thing.

Before I developed HA, I used to fret in the night about having non-existent unfinished academic work with a looming deadline (well after I finished university) and even now if I have something to do in the near future, even something as simple as paying a bill, something which doesn't faze me at all in reality, I sometimes fret about it in these semi-sleeping night periods.

Sorry I haven't been very eloquent here but basically what I am trying to say is that I suffer from this sort of thing too and it's more than likely to be yet another charming facet to our anxiety, rather than anything physically wrong with you. Xx

14-05-13, 08:20
It's awful isn't it! I have had insomnia for weeks now and when I do sleep it's weird half sleep with all sorts of twitches and weird thoughts. As soon as i close my eyes my eyes start darting around and I have all these weird images and thoughts go through my head that I have no control over. It makes me feel like I'm going crazy. Can you take anything to help calm you at night? I have been taking tiny amounts of alprazolam, which helps to make me sleepy and calm enough to send me off for a couple of hours most of the time. I highly doubt it's seizures you're having, it's just your wound up anxious state. It can do the craziest things to us.

14-05-13, 08:48
Lilharry you have my sympathy. I've had insomnia for six weeks getting only a few hours sleep a night sometimes none and never more than an hour without waking. When I sleep, like you it's a weird half sleep. I have some temazepam which I tried for a couple of nights but it did nothing and some clonazepam which I also tried a couple of nights which helped a bit but I don't want to become reliant on benzos so am trying to manage on my own as much as possible. I'm hoping that as this insomnia is caused by med withdrawal that it will eventually get better - though I'm not entirely convinced I worry that the med has permanently damaged my brain and I'll be like this forever now :( But taking benzos in the long run will make it harder as they affect the same receptors in the brain as the med I stopped so I'll just be delaying the insomnia until I stop the benzos.

Anyway I hope that it wasn't a seizure, it felt very weird, but I felt fine in the morning and when I woke up many many times during the night I felt ok too so hopefully it wasn't.
Thank you both for your replies.

14-05-13, 09:00
I saw this thing heartily recommended by "Dr Oz" today on TV http://www.nightwave.com.au/?gclid=CLrevJ2QlbcCFQFYpQodnjoADw

Apparantly it sends you off to sleep really quickly. I found a free app on my phone that claims to do the same thing, so I'm going to give it a go tonight.

semper solus
14-05-13, 09:06

It could be restless leg syndrome. Is it the first time it has happened to you?

14-05-13, 09:25

It could be restless leg syndrome. Is it the first time it has happened to you?

Yes it's the first time I've had anything like this happen.

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:22 ----------

I saw this thing heartily recommended by "Dr Oz" today on TV http://www.nightwave.com.au/?gclid=CLrevJ2QlbcCFQFYpQodnjoADw

Apparantly it sends you off to sleep really quickly. I found a free app on my phone that claims to do the same thing, so I'm going to give it a go tonight.

I hope it works for you, unfortunately I doubt anything like that would work for me as my insomnia is chemical caused by med withdrawal. I've tried sleep self hypnosis apps and they've helped me relax a bit but not to sleep.

semper solus
14-05-13, 09:41

You would normally get a few other symptoms if you where having any sort of seizure. I have Epilepsy and have nocturnal seizures and they come with other symptoms.

It could be the insomnia playing havoc. I think like the rest of our body the brain needs to rest as well and if it's ticking over all the time it won't rest. I'm guessing it would be the insomnia coupled with anxiety that it causing the problems. If you are worried about Seizures feel free to pm me if you want to chat about it.


14-05-13, 10:33
I hate the drifting off stage of sleep because I always get strange things happen and I don't know if I was dreaming or not, it's horrible!!

It could of just been a dream so try not to worry about it (I know its hard) :hugs:

14-05-13, 11:02
Oh Poor you, it's horrible isn't it. I too do not like that half sleep/awake state. I sometimes feel that my heart is jumping around my body and I'm kind of shaking/bouncing. Then I get this weird thing where I cannot move, or speak and am just completely stuck. To get out of this I have to put all my effort into suddenly jerking myself to 'wake up'. Thankfully I do not get this a lot now, when I was a child and teenager it was all the time.

Sometimes when I'm feeling very restless, I make myself get up to fully wake as that half sleep state when you're feeling anxious is horrid. I also get scared my heart is slowing down and will stop.

Lavender in the bath before bed sometimes helps, and a room spray or a few drops on a peice if material in your pillow case.

I hope you manage to get some good sleep.

Natalie :-)

15-05-13, 02:24
Thank you all for your kind replies. I didn't get this sensation again last night so hopefully it was just a dream or a muscle twitch that I misinterpreted.

Semper Solus I had no other symptoms with it, just the recollection of jerking my legs and I felt fine when I woke up during the night. The recollection was also vague so could have just been that weird half sleep state. Hopefully it wasn't a seizure.