View Full Version : Absolutely Horrible Claritin Effects

14-05-13, 05:40
Lately, my sinuses have been killing me. So on Friday I started taking Claritin, 10mg. At first it didn't seem to do anything for my sinuses, and I noticed my stomach felt weird, I felt cold, I had a strange headache, and I felt like I was in a daze. It is supposed to be non-sedating / non-drowsy, but apparently this stuff is only LESS drowsy than the other versions. I was OK with this since after Friday it seemed to be working for my sinuses after all.

I took some today at 11 a.m. and within two hours it was like I lost muscle control. I either had no grip, or gripped something too hard. I was either walking fast, or walking slow. My short term memory was gutted, I had no concentration, my skin felt like it was moving, I looked pale, I felt cold, my stomach was tight, I couldn't feel my self urinating.

Am I too sensitive toward Claritin (Loratidine)? Are these common side-effects? Could my body not take even 10mg, causing it to pseudo-overdose?

I am never taking this crap again. I'm fine now, but I am afraid I'm going to wake up convulsing in the middle of the night or something. Has anyone ever felt like this? Did I have a stroke from Claritin at 24 years old? Was my anxiety making the side-effect anxiety exponentially worse?

14-05-13, 07:28
If you're worried go to your doc and get a proffesional opinion. I doubt claritin could have such an adverse reaction since it is an over-the-counter medication. But you could get checked out to be sure.

Another alternative is that you just experienced anxiety at some thoughts about taking the medication and perception about how it might make you feel.

Yuo could try a different brand of loratidine or use the other type of anti-histaine (can't remember its name right now).

14-05-13, 08:27
Your symptoms sound a lot like the anxiety I've been experiencing and don't really sound like something that the anti-histamine would cause. All those things you describe are things I've been having lately and they are not drug induced, but anxiety induced. But like incognito said, it would be best to get a professional opinion. You certainly don't want to be taking stuff that causes you to feel like that. I have used loraclear in the past with no symptoms - is that the same as Clarytine?