View Full Version : Anyone get head pressure and pain when they lay down?

14-05-13, 08:21
I have terrible brain tumour anxiety, most recently I've noticed everytime I lay down I get pressure at the top, right side oft head, Andy forehead. It also has a bit of dull pain. It worries me :( anyone else have this?

14-05-13, 11:41
I have had exactly this, I worry too the same as you as it can literally feel like my head is about to explode. I find changing position helps like sitting up or turning over for a minute or so. And then - I try to calmly tell myself that if it really was going to explode them sitting up wouldn't make it suddenly feel better, so I must be safe for now. But it can be so scary.

Natalie xx

14-05-13, 22:16
Hello Natalie, thanks for the reply
I get the exact same feeling, it's like my head is going to explode! I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this, it reassures me that it may not be something so bad.
I have to force myself to sleep in almost a sitting position, because no matter what whenever I lay down my head hurts and gets pressure :(

Jenn xx

15-05-13, 00:15
It is so reassuring to know someone else has the same or similar isn't it. Sometimes I steam as well as I do get congested too, and that does help as well.

Take care,
Natalie xx