View Full Version : Hello all

14-05-13, 08:51

Just signed up so thought I'd say hello. I'm 32, a Mummy a Wife and a sufferer of Panic, Anxiety (especially Health related), OCD and probably a whole list of other things.

I've read the forums for a while but decided to sign up. I'm not on meds but I take Vitamin B and use to take St Johns Wort. I finished counselling again about a month ago but deep down I'm still convinced, daily, I am seriously ill - especially when the heart palpitations start up. I feel sluggish and like I am on a boat and in a dream - what a mix lol.

Anyways, I don't want to ramble but I look forward to getting to know everyone, and hopefully helping each other to beat this - what I call my Mental Bully.

Natalie :)

14-05-13, 10:29
Hi Natalie :welcome:

I have HA too, and finding this place really helps me. Just knowing we are not alone is a great comfort.

I am sure you will find lots of help, support and advice here :)

14-05-13, 10:51
Hello Bekzie

Thank you so much for your reply. It's nice to know there are likeminded people about. Sometimes I thinking I'm losing the plot. I look forward to chatting with you some more on the forums.

Natalie :-)

14-05-13, 10:56
Hi Natalie

I know that feeling all to well lol. This site is full of lovely friendly people so I am sure you will love it here :)

14-05-13, 11:09
I'm sooo glad to hear it, Bekzie. I do have a wonderful and very supportive Husband - but it's hard for me to explain the madness that's going on in my head sometimes. I think I am rather hard work lol, but he doesn't let on.

Natalie :-)

14-05-13, 11:26
I think its very hard for people who haven't experienced anxiety to understand when most of the time we don't understand it ourselves!

I really like your signature, exactly how I feel at the moment :hugs:

14-05-13, 11:29
So true - I don't have a clue if what's going on in my head 90% of the time. Sometimes I think I need a little holiday from my own mind!!

Thank you, the signature was the first thing that came to my head as it is what I think and feel daily. I feel envious sometimes of people just going about doing normal day to day stuff and not being scared - but to be honest from an outsider I probably look like one of those people too and for all I know they could be feeling exactly like me and thinking the same lol!


14-05-13, 15:55
Glad to have you with us, Natalie.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

14-05-13, 16:51
Hiya Mark

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. Looking forward to being a part of this Community.

Natalie :-)