View Full Version : Is there hope?

14-05-13, 11:52
First, I apologise if this is in the wrong forum, I think I got it right though.
I am at a total loss. I have just come off Citalopram for anxiety and I'm now taking Seroxat (just under two weeks in). It's a nightmare. I am permanently anxious, when I'd made some headway and feel so down, I don't know why I'm here. I'm spending days in bed and I just can't cope. I feel sick all the time. I would've thought these symptoms would have gone away by now if it was the new tablets. I am currently doing my second round of CBT which isn't helping and everyone seems so angry at me for wanting to be alone. I guess I need to know that others have been here and got better, which is incredibly selfish of me. I just don't think I will ever get better and can't cope with feeling like this anymore.

14-05-13, 18:17
There is always hope! :hugs:

14-05-13, 20:00
Do you think its a side effect of the Seroxat? Can you not go back on Citalopram? It could be the Seroxat has not kicked in yet. You're not being selfish, do you have a specific thing you are feeling anxious about? You might need a higher dose of Seroxat or go back on Citalopram. I am on Citalopram, used to be on Seroxat before that, I said at the time I wanted to go back on Seroxat but they seemed keen for me to go on Citalopram, I'm now on the highest dose.

Also I am on pregabalin, its for epileptics really but is used for generalised anxiety disorder too, it stops the brain going too fast or something, I think it helps me.

Try learning some calming techniques too. Also exercise may help.
Take care

15-05-13, 10:24
Thanks for the replies. I do wonder if there *is* always hope, or it's just something people say . . .

I can't go back on the Citalopram as it literally did nothing for me. I know that the Seroxat wouldn't have kicked in just yet, but the side effects are awful and I don't know how long they usually last. Last night it took me an hour to get round to taking the Seroxat tablet because I am scared it will just make me extra anxious.

I don't know what I'm anxious about unfortunately. I know people really don't help, but as I am sat at home at the moment I'm not sure. I think there's probably lots of things that cause the problems, that lie in my sub-conscious. I do have a few extra stresses at the moment which probably don't help, but usually it wouldn't make me permanently anxious, to the point of panic. Which makes me wonder if it's the Seroxat's side effects.

I have a relaxation CD that I am trying to use every day. I did yesterday and did some breathing exercises too. But within twenty minutes I was feeling extremely anxious again. I assume it requires a lot of practice.

17-05-13, 11:56
You should go back to your GP or psychiatrist and talk about the side effects..

20 minutes is still a good start. Maybe try exercise first then relaxation. If you can afford an exercise bike that might be a good idea, I have one. Some type of rowing machine might get your whole body working too.

Can you sleep at all?

17-05-13, 14:22
Hi, I know from personal experience that Seroxat is one of the tougher drugs, my mum takes it and although it's extremely hard to get on/off it, it does wonders for her. She lives a full life and owns her own business, there's definitely hope. Hang in there & good luck :hugs:

17-05-13, 17:06
Thanks for the replies. I do wonder if there *is* always hope, or it's just something people say . . .

I can't go back on the Citalopram as it literally did nothing for me. I know that the Seroxat wouldn't have kicked in just yet, but the side effects are awful and I don't know how long they usually last. Last night it took me an hour to get round to taking the Seroxat tablet because I am scared it will just make me extra anxious.

I don't know what I'm anxious about unfortunately. I know people really don't help, but as I am sat at home at the moment I'm not sure. I think there's probably lots of things that cause the problems, that lie in my sub-conscious. I do have a few extra stresses at the moment which probably don't help, but usually it wouldn't make me permanently anxious, to the point of panic. Which makes me wonder if it's the Seroxat's side effects.

I have a relaxation CD that I am trying to use every day. I did yesterday and did some breathing exercises too. But within twenty minutes I was feeling extremely anxious again. I assume it requires a lot of practice.

I know it may seem as if people just toss it out there, but speaking from experience, there is most certainly hope. Even though I have episodes now and then, my quality of life is so much better than it was before I was diagnosed. You could say that it's given me strength because once I realised that the attacks could be managed, I just did exactly what `normal' people would do ! I understand now that I hid behind anxiety for a number of things, I think mainly because I was scared that an attack was always imminent. Hope springs eternal (or something like that !).:D

20-05-13, 10:04
Sleeping is actually okay, although I am exhausted no matter what. At least this tablets don't make me want to nod off at every opportunity!

I think I'm going to try a Yoga and Exercise video. They will be gentle enough on my joints as I get problems with them (hips mostly).

Thank you for your kind words everyone. I believe that I don't think there is any hope because this is my second proper relapse. About six years ago I didn't go out for two years and had to quit my job. The same has happened this time. But I have a feeling that the Seroxat might be starting to work. I don't want to jump ahead or anything, but I just felt slightly different. Still anxious, but something felt different.

20-05-13, 10:27
Hi there
I understand why you feel there's no hope. It's really hard when you thought you were doing okay and then along comes a relapse. I think you have to focus on the fact that you recovered before and you will do again.
I am a long term seroxat user. Been on 10mg for nearly 2 years now doing fine until last few weeks when the old anxiety has started raising its head. No idea why. Nothing has changed. I certainly feel a bit hopeless at the moment. Doc wants me to go back up to 20mg but I am reluctant. Makes me feel a bit of a failure.
Glad you are starting to feel a bit more positive today. Hang on in there. Hope will return.

22-05-13, 14:13
Thank you. You certainly aren't a failure if you up your dose though. It might only be temporary too.

I feel a bit better for going for a long walk this morning. I felt very anxious about it though. I do feel that no matter how many times I do something, the anxiety doesn't budge like it should.

22-05-13, 14:43
Have you checked out the section on that medication on this forum? When I started my SSRI (escitalopram) I found the posts about it and side effects of starting up soooo helpful. It may just be that you have to wait it out until the medication and your body have adjusted to each other.

There is hope, it just can sometimes take a very long time to find it. I know how you are feeling. It took me a long time to find hope. You will get there. Hang in there. :hugs: