View Full Version : Back problems...really need support/perspective please...

14-05-13, 14:14

I could really do with some words of encouragement/perspective.

I’m suffering with a deep ache on the right side of my back. It feels like a very deep muscular pain that comes and goes. I’m terrified it’s pancreatic cancer. I’m cross with myself because I went to the osteopath yesterday and he said he thought it was muscular but I’m plagued with the fear it’s something terrible.

I lifted a large piece of ply-wood a couple of weeks ago and although didn’t feel like I’d injured anything at the time, I’ve had a dull ache since in my mid-back on the right hand side.

I was at the osteopath yesterday and he pulled my back around like you wouldn’t believe…needless to say today I’m extremely sore. The pain comes and goes and while I get a recurring ache in this mid right area (which I’m hoping is muscular/skeletal), my general back is pretty uncomfortable.

But I’m absolutely bricking myself that it’s a sign of something underlying that’s more serious. I’ve no other ‘red-flag’ symptoms but that isn’t easing my mind. I’ve had back problems before but it’s always been lower back.

Any advice or thoughts would be really, really welcome.



14-05-13, 15:10
I would say it is muscular pain and if it was anything else you would have more symptoms. I am a holistic therapist and some of my clients have pain in the same area and it is all muscular.

14-05-13, 17:30
Thank you for the reply.

It sort of feels muscular but also deep rooted. It's like a dull ache right in my back that fades in and out. It also twinges sharply now and again. I've been doing more heavy lifting than normal but don't remember feeling like I've injured myself. I'm going out of my mind with worry that it's pancreas cancer (ever since another person on here reeled off a load of pancreas cancer symptoms and deep back pain was a main one).

Not sure what to do???

14-05-13, 17:35
There are a lot of other symptoms that you would notice first and as you have not mentioned anything else unusual then I am sure you have muscular pain in your back. Take some ibuprofen, put a heat pad on your back and I am sure it will ease it.

14-05-13, 20:22
Again, thanks for your support Annie, it's very much appreciated.

I'll see how it goes over the next few days.

23-08-13, 15:54
Could be myofascial trigger points. I have back pain right side too.

Look up Paul Ingraham and read his book or free articles. He has one small article on back pain, a general book and a book specializing in back pain.

Daisy Sue
23-08-13, 16:56
Try to reassure yourself that you've already highlighted the probable cause and time when you injured it, and the fact that a professional has examined you & said he thinks it's muscular. All the odds point to it being muscular, and not anything else.

Try not to tense up - this makes backache worse. And maybe try a TENS machine - I found it worked wonders for my painful back.