View Full Version : CBT Mindfulness.

14-05-13, 18:19

Had second CBT session today. Was given info from above website. Has anyone tried this, if so please let me know how you found it. I will give it a go.

I had one of those days where I dreaded going out and heart is still pounding since I came home 3 hours ago. But got to keep telling myself my heart is ok and nothing will happen. Does anyone else find their heart races for hours.

14-05-13, 18:27
I thought the getselfhelp web site pretty good. My sister is a Practice Manager at a doctors surgery in Berkshire and her friend is the counselor there and she told me to look at this site. It had some useful info.

14-05-13, 18:33
Thanks spot the frog. I had never heard of it before. The counselor today gave me the ` mindfulness` print off so I shall try that.

14-05-13, 18:36
Some health authorities run Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy courses which NICE highly recommend. Unfortunatley mine doesn't. It supposed to be even better than CBT.

14-05-13, 18:39
My therapist gave me the same link and I found some of the resources really helpful.

Good luck with your therapy, I am sure you will get some benefit from it. I certainly did. I think it is fairly normal to to feel anxious before going, you are having to relive and face your fears with therapy so natural that you would feel like this. Keep positive and remember, nothing bad is going to happen to you :winks:

Kitti :hugs: x

14-05-13, 19:00
Great link very useful thanks for sharing :)

14-05-13, 21:04
It is a good link, thank you Flori. I feel that mindfulness practised with CBT techniques as well is a powerful combination. For me, CBT helps me when I am at my worst and needing to cope with a triggering situation that has bright about loads of emotions or anger etc. then mindfulness is something that helps day to day & makes it more likely you will have enjoyable days where you do experience what is around you. Something I do now (as I have the luxury of working in a rural area) is to go & stand at a fields edge, shut my eyes and just listen. If its sunny (rarely!!!) then I try to really feel the warmth of the sun & it's brightness on my eyelids. That's down to having read about mindfulness.

14-05-13, 23:36
Thanks Tinalou, Kitti and Belzie for the encouraging words and you are welcome to the link.
That`s great you are finding `mindfulness` helps. It has encouraged me to really give it a go. I did try it tonight indoors, didn`t calm me though. I was probably expecting too much and like most therapy for anxiety/panic, it takes time I suppose to learn the techniques. And I must try it outdoors too. Sounds relaxing.

The local Primary care mental health team are running free 2 hour sessions over 4 weeks on a Stress and Well Being Course. How to recognize and deal with the symptoms of stress, how to make positive changes and how to beat negative thinking. So I think I will attend that too :)

15-05-13, 14:14
These things do take time, flori, i find it hard to get used to doing different things. Often I feel a bit silly but the more often we try them, the better they get. That course sounds like a good idea. Maybe I should see if there's anything like that around here. I've been looking for stuff to do with volunteering & courses like this would be helpful for me in relation to that.