View Full Version : One step forwards, one step back!

Bond Girl
14-05-13, 19:29
Had a great day yesterday, felt like the depression was lifting, had loads of energy & felt really positive. Even managed a full day at work. Was so pleased with myself!

But I woke up this morning with all good intentions but all of the energy was completely gone & I couldn't even get out of bed.

I've been on fluoxetine for just over 3 weeks now but the side effects are all over the place this time. I didn't experience ANY side effects when I had it a couple of years ago. It's making me feel really frustrated!! Aaaarrrrrgh!! I feel like I'm coming out the other side & then today I feel totally worthless & flat & fed up.

I know that the fluoxetine will help, but at the moment I feel worse than I did before I started taking them again. It's really demotivating to have such a good day & then feel like I'm moving backwards.

Bloody stupid depression!!!!!! I'm starting to get cross with myself now!!!

14-05-13, 20:23
You've been doing so well BG it's always the way that the highs feels so good the downs can come as a surprise and make you feel back at square 1...but it's just a small setback and until week 6ish i think is quite normal. You've done so well managing work and everything and you are probably just adjusting to it all.

Don't be cross with yourself we're all just feeling our way with all this and need as much support as we can! :hugs: xxx