View Full Version : panic

27-09-06, 18:39
Help needed please-i had bad panic today again-feels like i cant breathe or move-so cant even distract myself with phone or anything I know doesnt last long but is so frightening-how do i stop them-it actually will happen in that place again-and even the type of day-can be the same-dull day no sun etc.
How do i instantly distrct myself-can i stop them
i fear going out-wasnt too bad for a while then getting more frequent again


27-09-06, 19:50
sorry you are feeling so bad right now :(
Really the only thing that has ever helped me is to remind myself that I have been thru panic before and survived and that I will get thru it again. I guess that is positive thinking. Also I just let the feeling kind of wash over me and then I get back to doing whatever I was doing before and usually that helps.
I sure hope you feel better soon hun :)

27-09-06, 21:27
Thanks Sandy
will do that!


28-09-06, 08:41
Hi Nigela,
I dont suffer from pa's but do have severe anxiety at times.
A good,instant distraction is to count backwards from 100 as fast as you can in your head. This,along with slowing your breathing usually helps.Do the counting backwards over and over until you feel more in control.Hope this helps and that you are feeling better today.

julie x


28-09-06, 12:15
hi nigela, i suffer from panics and yes they are not nice. but the good news is they do get better. when they started i was having them hourly, but 3 months in and im only having them weekly. try distraction it does really help when you feel one coming try and do something to distract yourself. I hope you feel better soon feel free to pm me anytime.

take carexxxx


29-09-06, 17:24
Hi Nigela

Sorry to hear you're feeling bad. We all have blips now and again. But the important thing is to remember that whatever happens we are still here. Although it is awful, we can get better. Keep going with the distraction, it can really help. And so do breathing exercises. There's some info on breathing on the home page.

Hope this helps.
