View Full Version : Weird ears!

14-05-13, 21:48
I gett this occasionally and have had it for years but never sure what it is but have read other people having similar on here.

I will turn my head or move head and I get sound as if one ear is booming and a sensation as if my eardrum is twitching. sometimes its just a booming feeling/hearing in one ear for a few seconds and if I push my finger in my ear it stops. The next day I will get a feeling everytime I move my head of a hollow sound/feeling in ears. Sooooo hard to describe.

It does seem to happen when my neck is particularly painful and tense.

Anyone get anything even remotely similar??

Keeping afloat
22-05-13, 22:55
I don't know if this is the same thing but I have had a strange feeling in one ear for months, it oftens sounds like I'm half way through a yawn. I hadn't considered this may be part of my anxiety but I also have a very bad neck which causes me big issues with dizziness and vision disturbances.

22-05-13, 23:35
I can actually do this at will by creating slight tension above my jaw and below my ear , so would suggest its tension :) I also have neck and shoulder tension issues! I have found relaxation cd very good in helping me to relax my neck and shoulders, I didnt realise how tense I was until I actually tried to relax them properly! How odd eh?!