View Full Version : Daily chest pain

15-05-13, 10:21
Just wondering if any one else get random chest twinges. I get it everyday it also feels like a pressure there. Is this just good old anxiety it's been happening for about a year.

Last night I woke to a feeling like my chest Was getting pulled / tightening , after a couple of minuets this stopped. Could this be muscle or just anxiety.

Pain is always left side of chest below peck !!

15-05-13, 10:56
Yes, I get this every day.

I have had my heart checked and all ok. I have worked out certain stretches and places to rub which makes the pain stop. This says to me that it is muscular rather than internal.

Try a few stretches and see if the twinges go.

:) Charlie

15-05-13, 13:10
I've had ECG , blood test , all fine but this still won't subside.
Do you get twinges when working etc all of a sudden feel a sharp pain.

Last night was a bit weird as woke up and felt a pulling sensation

15-05-13, 13:31
I mainly get them when sitting down. Not had them during the night - well at least never woken up with them.

I can't remember getting them while on the move, so again it suggests posture problem when I am sat down. My neck and jaw are also tense and I get pain in my left armpit. My GP says it is myofascial pain caused by anxiety.

I just have to trust that his diagnosis is correct, although I am really struggling today with it.


15-05-13, 15:22
Agreed mate. I'm in the same boat I try to listen to him but when it's happening daily it just worries me more.

Good old anxiety I suppose

15-05-13, 15:41
Yes, def anxiety making us doubt our doctors.

It is real pain though. I am not imagining it, although I do accept that I spend too much time consciously looking for it.

Chicken and egg. Anxiety has caused the pain, and the pain causes anxiety!!!!!