View Full Version : Is chrons or ulcerative colitis life threatening?

15-05-13, 10:48
I do not want to google! I didnt think they were but my HA is making me want to google as I've had mucus after a BM and even though its probs IBS, im thinking its not! xx

15-05-13, 12:23
My Grandma had Chrons and she lived to be 96:) It is very manageable:) I have IBS and so does my Dad and as far as I know just make sure you drink plenty of water when it is acting up and you'll be fine. Stress can really get my IBS going and I worried that it was more.... went to the ER 3 times, then went to a Gastro and had a colonoscopy and upper G.I because I somehow convinced the doctor that I had something seriously wrong with me.... the results??? Nothing!!! Just occasional IBS:) I hope you feel better soon!

15-05-13, 12:33
Thank you! My IBS tends to come and go, I know I've had this mucus in the past but never this much! Its been happening every day for about 3 weeks! Im sure once it stops i wont think of it again! xx

15-05-13, 13:06
You are very welcome and yes I know what you mean when you say you won't think of it again, that is what I do:) I have not worried about my stomach in a long time, that anxiety has not crept back. It has been other things ( currently Melanoma) The Melanoma anxiety is a recurring anxiety, not sure why that one comes back so often! Brain cancer is a big one for me as well. This HA sure is a pain in the butt huh:)

15-05-13, 13:29
I wouldn't say life threatening but life changing.

Have you talked to your doc about all of this?

15-05-13, 13:48
Hi Summer55! I know what you mean, with most things once its gone I don't think about it again, but I seem to have a big issue with female cancers, I think they are my worst fear!

Hi Nicola, no I've not spoke to my docs about it - When I was told I probably had IBS this was one of my symptoms, I think cause I've not had a flare up in a while it was a bit scary for me. I recently had piles (sorry TMI) and I wasn't sure if they could cause it but they have now gone - as fas as I'm aware. My dad has ulcerative colitis and has been very ill over the years, so I dont think its that as im not really 'unwell' just the odd bout of diarrhoea and period like type pain before I pass wind. Which I think are all IBS related? xx

15-05-13, 14:02
Hi sorry you are feeling a little worried, I have UC and was diagnosed 2011 before that I had IBS since my early 20s, the colitis was I am told triggered by a really bad dose of food poisoning and quitting smoking didn’t help.
I was and still am assured that IBS does not change to crones or colitis just one of those things that happen, just a bad coincidence.
My IBS had not reared its ugly head since I was in my 40s and like you I would get mucus quite bad and piles as well which can also cause mucus, piles are an inflammation of the rectum so hence the mucus.
I am sure that if you check with the doc he will reassure you as well.
UC and crones is a horrid disease but with the technology and medication they have today it’s controllable but not curable.

15-05-13, 14:12
Thank you for your reply! It was helpful! I'm sorry to see that you have UC - My dad suffers quite badly and was in and out of hospital for many years! Im now quite reassured that what Im experiencing is IBS! xx

15-05-13, 14:19
That’s great and I am so glad we can help to ease your mind if only a little, you did the rest by being logical, IBS is crap too but nothing more, stress was always my trigger.
Sorry your Dad has UC its crapper LOL but funny before I was diagnosed I was beyond terrified, but once I knew it wasn’t bowel cancer which they said it could be it didn’t seem quite so bad, I know it’s not good but better than the other, the mind is a wonderful thing isn’t it and so powerful.

15-05-13, 14:30
I know it is strange! As I know that mucus and stuff is a sign of UC and chrons I wasn't in my usual state of terror as I knew it wasn't BC! The mind is a very powerful thing - too powerful for my liking! ;) xx