View Full Version : Sertraline, still not working?

Her Indoors
15-05-13, 11:22
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum and am "a lady of a certain age" and suffering terribly with anxiety, OCD (the obsessional worrying type, is it called "Pure O"?) and depression. I am feeling totally hopeless and despondent and struggling even to do the basics, have to force myself out of bed and feel so utterly miserable with constant anxiety which only seems to get a bit better in the evenings when my husband is home from work. Mercifully I am now sleeping at night.

I have had periods of this before, but they usually have settled in a few weeks. This latest episode has been going on since Xmas and resulted in my GP referring me to intensive support, who have now signed me off, even though I told them I was no better and now I just don't know what to do I feel so desperate.

I have been prescribed 200 mg of Sertraline daily, alongside my usual 15 mg of Mirtazapine which I take at night. I have now been taking the Sertraline for 9 weeks, 1 day, the last 4 weeks at the higher dose, but its not helping with either the anxiety or the obsessive worrying, although I am sleeping now.

I have been told that it could take 12 weeks to begin to start working and have read (I think on this site) and it could take 4 months plus even. I really want to stick with it for 12 weeks at least as I am so low and worn out, I don't think I could stand to be changed to another med, but I am afraid it will never help me, or indeed if anything will. If it wasn't for my wonderful family, I don't think I could take much more, every day just seems more hopeless.

Can anyone relate to this, and did they stick to the Sertraline and it helped them eventually? I feel I have nowhere to turn for help, as the intensive support team have signed me off and I don't think my GP will be able to help me as he couldn't before. I am only coping because I take Diazapam 2 mg, up to 3 times a day and I really try hard not to take it, but have to just to get going in the morning.

Please help me somebody, if possible with positive stories, I am getting so desperate. Anxiety is just so horrible and debilitating. Kind regards and my very best wishes for all of you suffering and I hope you can all recover and feel better soon.

Bless you,

J xxxxxxxx

15-05-13, 13:51
I have started on Sertraline fairly recently, having been on countless other ones over the years, so I can't really help you other than offer my support. There is a section on here for medications and a sub-section for Sertraline. No drug alone will "cure" your OCD, it can only be done in tandem with something like CBT (which, I guess, you are already aware of). Likewise, your depression and anxiety.

Mornings are worst for me, too, so I know exactly what you feel. After I lost my only son in December 2010, I could barely get up. Now I force myself to and to go out each day, even though I hope that each night when I go to bed that I won't wake up the following morning; the sadness and despair are just unbearable and someone could benefit from having my internal organs. I am too cowardly to end it all, which makes it even worse. When I lost my son, most of me went to. Now all I can do is hope that my time will come soon.

Her Indoors
15-05-13, 15:31
Dear Ducky,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your son, I really can't begin to imagine how hard it must be for you every day (and night). I sincerely hope you are getting lots of love and support to help you (sorry if this sounds so inadequate, I just don't have the words to express my deepest sympathy).

My situation is nothing compared to yours, but I suppose we must just try to take each day as it comes and hope our medication can, at least, begin to help a little.

You are so very brave forcing yourself to get out. I am still struggling to do that on my own and have lost my confidence in just about everything.

I really hope the Sertraline will begin to work soon for us both, and will check out the posts relating to this and the other medications available.

Please let me know how you are getting on, if you don't mind, and once again I am so sorry for your loss.

Kindest regards

J xxxxxx

Charlotte cosier
15-05-13, 23:32
Hi I have just started these tablets too after being on citalopeam for 8 years but sertraline don't seem to help they seem to make me feel worse on my 3rd week of them now can someone please help us :(

16-05-13, 07:25
Dear Ducky,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your son, I really can't begin to imagine how hard it must be for you every day (and night). I sincerely hope you are getting lots of love and support to help you (sorry if this sounds so inadequate, I just don't have the words to express my deepest sympathy).

My situation is nothing compared to yours, but I suppose we must just try to take each day as it comes and hope our medication can, at least, begin to help a little.

You are so very brave forcing yourself to get out. I am still struggling to do that on my own and have lost my confidence in just about everything.

I really hope the Sertraline will begin to work soon for us both, and will check out the posts relating to this and the other medications available.

Please let me know how you are getting on, if you don't mind, and once again I am so sorry for your loss.

Kindest regards

J xxxxxx

Sorry for hijacking your thread. Hope someone can advise you better than I can.

Her Indoors
16-05-13, 09:08
Hi Charlotte,

I have decided I am going to stick it out for 12 weeks at least, as I think I have read on this site that Sertraline is quite slow acting and some people even take up to six months to improve. My anxiety is still pretty terrible, but on a positive note I am sleeping now and evenings am able to relax, when before I couldn't even sleep without sleeping tablets, let alone relax.

Three weeks is still very early days and believe me I understand completely what you are going through. I wonder if you have been given any other medication to help you to settle? Are you experiencing increased anxiety at the moment which is very common in the early stages of this medication? Hopefully, this medication will begin to kick in soon and you will improve. I remember feeling so disheartened when I was reading posts that people were improving within 2-4 weeks, but I think for a lot of people it takes much, much longer, which certainly applies to me.

I wonder what dose you are taking? I am taking the maximum dose of 200 mg, but I have read on this site that most people are on much lower doses and find Sertraline very effective, but this is something that only a doctor can help you with.

If you are experiencing any tummy problems, try taking your tablets after eating something stodgy, I found that to be a great help. Taking them on an empty stomach really didn't agree with me, but then I guess we are all different.

Try to keep positive and believe the tablets will help you (easier said than done), something I am struggling with and let me know how you are getting on (if you don't mind).

Wishing you lots of luck and I really hope you will begin to improve soon.

J xx

16-05-13, 14:51

Do you have OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (which I have and which is somewhat different)? I am pretty sure that I had classic OCD as a kid - thinking that something terrible would happen if I didn't do certain things, follow rituals, etc. That morphed into OCPD - now I no longer think something awful will happen, I just have to do things straightaway or they will go round and round in my mind till I do them. The crazy thing is, I know I don't need to do them immediately, but, until I do, my mind will not rest. Or, I just obsess about something that is worrying me - and that, too, will go round and round in my mind. I did get some help from an excellent psychiatrist at the Maudsley some years back, but he retired and since then, zilch.


Her Indoors
17-05-13, 08:13
Hi Ducky,

Lovely to hear from you, how's it going with the Sertraline?

Yes, that definitely sounds like me, the latter (OCDP?). I just obsess and worry about things to the point of it obliterating every other thought and things just go around and around in my head causing me terrible anxiety. I don't have the classic type of OCD and don't carry out rituals or repetitive behaviour though, its just troubling thoughts and worries.

Before I was diagnosed with OCD, I just assumed I was a terrible worrier or had GAD and it never occurred to me it might be OCD. What you said about wanting to sort out problems or worries straight away, that's exactly like me as well. I have on occasions woken my husband in the middle of the night when troubled or been panicking about something, I'm so lucky he is such a patient and kind man and how he puts up with me needing constant reassurance and being asked the same things over and over again, I'll never know. And I absolutely hate uncertainty. I take a small worry or a problem and build it up into a terrible scenario and then it all ends in disaster. The annoying thing is I know I am being irrational, but I just can't stop it. All this causes me to be very anxious.

On a positive note, I think the Sertraline is beginning to work a little for me. I had a much better day yesterday and was taken shopping by a very understanding friend, although I had my usual terrible morning feeling of anxiety and dread. I managed to not take my 2mg of Diazapam in the morning, or any during the day and by the afternoon had periods when I didn't feel anxious at all. Usually I feel much better in the evenings and sleep well without sleeping tablets now, so I guess the medication is having the desired effect.

I found your post very interesting so thanks for that and I have been thinking of you.

Kind regards,

J xx

17-05-13, 15:21
Dear J,

Yes, there is quite a difference between classic OCD and OCPD (you can find out lots about it on Google). Paroxetine was supposed to help me, but didn't. Nothing did really. I managed to quash the odd compulsion, but other than that, I am still the way I have been for years. I think CBT in combination with an SSRI is normally the best treatment, but I don't have the energy to restart regular visits to a psychiatrist/psychologist.

I haven't had any problems so far with Sertraline, but it hasn't helped either. I don't think anything can.


17-05-13, 15:44
Hi, Her Indoors.

I've been on Sert now for about the same time as you but I'm 100mg. I was doing great but for the past month I have been suffering terrible hay fever which I have not had before. I started feeling light headed, sweaty palms and feet and tight chest and breathing difficulties the other day and could not get up this morning. I called in sick to work and went to the docs. He says its my anxiety because of what the hayfever is doing to my system. I cannot believe its that but it goes to prove its still there with a vengeance when I don't feel anxious. He has also gave me 3 x 2mg valium for ten days which I have been on before when starting Sert.

I thought he would have upped my dosage if this is the case but he says its just a setback. I really hope it is too as I don't want to change meds etc. I do feel an improvement but my bad thoughts & worry are still there also.

I do believe it will get better in time for us allx

Her Indoors
17-05-13, 16:29
Dear Ducky,

How long have you been taking the Sertraline for? I have been taking it for 9 weeks, 3 days (not that I'm counting "much") and it was only really yesterday I found some relief from my whirring thoughts. I believe it to be a very slow working med, and have read on here that some people need sometimes up to 6 months to feel any better. I myself am on the highest recommended dose of 200 mg and have been on that for approximately 4 weeks. I started on 50 mg and was ramped up very quickly over a matter of weeks whilst under the care of intensive support.

When they signed me off I was really upset because I was convinced I was no better, but I feel now that I am beginning to improve. If you read my original post you will see how desperate I was, but now I think the meds are starting to kick in. Believe me, I was so disheartened when I read that people were beginning to feel a little better within 2-4 weeks and thought it would never calm my anxiety. Don't get me wrong, mornings are unbearable for me and it takes ages for me to get going and the dreadful feeling of impending doom and feeling frightene is still present, but am now beginning to feel better in the afternoons only really since yesterday.

Please don't give up hope, I'm sure they will kick in soon for you too. Believe they will and work with them. Please let me know how you are going on, this dreadful condition is just terrible. I will be thinking of you.

J xxx

---------- Post added at 16:29 ---------- Previous post was at 15:57 ----------

Hi Skoosh,

Sorry to hear you have had a setback and are suffering with hayfever now as well, that must be very tough for you.

For the time being I suppose all you can do is trust your doctor, take your medication and see if you improve in a while and depending how you are feeling maybe go back? This is just my opinion, and I am certainly no expert, just a fellow sufferer. I think when we have this horrible condition, we will have ups and downs and it can take a long time to recover. I have only really started feeling better since yesterday, but still have dreadful mornings where I feel very frightened and have the terrible thoughts, but yesterday afternoon and today from about lunchtime I feel a lot better, and have found my anxiety is easing.

I suppose it's still early days for both of us with this medication. I think I have read on this site that sometimes people can take up to six months to feel better, but it's so hard to wait it out when you are feeling so bad. Could you maybe speak to your doctor again for some reassurance?

I sincerely hope you will feel better soon, please let me know how you are feeling (if you don't mind). I will be thinking of you.

J xx

17-05-13, 16:37
Thanks J, The doc says it will get better (always says that lol) and its just a setback and the valium should help me for a week (after that I will see how I feel). Don't think we will ever get rid of bad and terrible thoughts but they are only a thought aye so keep saying to yourself they can do you no harm.

Will keep you updated and will follow your progress also. Hope you are better also.


18-05-13, 22:22
Hi all thought would drop In and say stick with it, I'm 10 months on sertraline and took a good 6 monthsto even out to a very noticable degree. I still get blips but seem to be less a lot of the time I'm myself again. This was all new to me, its a bumpy road but you will get there.

Her Indoors
19-05-13, 08:41
Hi everyone,

Had quite a good day yesterday, but woke up this morning very early feeling very panicky and afraid. Do mornings ever get better? I had to get up and make tea and toast so that I could take my meds, taking them on an empty stomach really doesn't agree with me at all (won't go into details, I'm sure any of you on Sertraline will know what I mean!). Please, please tell me mornings get better, I don't think I can stand being like this for the rest of my life. If I have a really bad panic I will be anxious all day.

Hello there Skoosh, how are you feeling? How's the hayfever. Have you tried the eyedrops, my husband finds them very good. Are you able to take antihistamines on medication?

Hi TJ, glad you are improving, as I suspected I am going to have to stick it out a while longer.

All the best

J xxx

Her Indoors
19-05-13, 18:53
Hi there,

Had an awful day today, and feel so jittery and anxious. I was beginning to feel a little better, but now feel like I am back to square one. Early days for me, I suppose, and I shall persevere. I only hope this is a little blip. I am exhausted, it's so tiring being like this all the time.

Hope you all had a better day than me though.

J xxxx

Her Indoors
21-05-13, 09:37
Awful day yesterday, very anxious and frightened and the medication upset my stomach which didn't help at all. Ten weeks today since I started on this and I have had a couple of okish days but mostly feel pretty terrible. Going to stick it out for a while longer, as I understand it is pretty slow to kick in, and to be honest, I am so worn down and low can't face any more doctor's appointments and a change of meds. May have to rethink this if stomach problems persist though. I can't understand why I am having this again after so long?

Could anyone give me some advice and encouragement, positive stories please, getting very desperate now and not sure where to turn to for help.

Many thanks.

21-05-13, 22:58
Hi ladies I can relate to what you are saying. I have felt depressed and hopless for months. Mornings are bad just thinking of the lonely day stretched out in front of me. I take 20mg citralopam daily it does very little for me. I have started meditation classes and hope they help.
I am in therapy and sometimes I wonder if it helps at all. I am yet to meet anyone who has been through therapy and now lives a happy fulfilled life.
It's nice to find this site and meet others who feel like me and understand.
I recently moved to another town so being alone doesn't help. My husband works abroad. Hopefully we can help each other.:

Her Indoors
22-05-13, 07:06
Hi Tashy,

Mornings are just the worst, aren't they? Hopefully they will begin to improve for both of us soon.

I'm so glad I found this site as the people who post are so friendly and supportive and that's such a comfort.

Take care.

J xx

22-05-13, 07:47
hi are you on the change i am doc has put me on meds for aniexty but still gettting it really bad i aqm scared of the aniexty i dont like it i am worried it will stay until the change stops but who can say how long that will be why am i suffering like this

Her Indoors
24-05-13, 08:16
Hi everyone,

Still having a terrible time and the morning panics are unbearable. It was 10 weeks on Tuesday I started with the Sertraline, it is now 6 weeks on the 200 mg and I am still very, very anxious and having a tough time coping. I really don't know what to do anymore. Going to stick it out for 12 weeks then see. Would somebody help me please, getting desperate.

Many thanks,

J xx

Her Indoors
28-05-13, 15:01
I really need some help and advice please.

I have been taking Sertraline for 11 weeks today and its really not helped me at all. I am barely functioning, am crippled with anxiety and can't cope.

My husband phoned intensive support at the weekend, but they told him I would have to contact my GP, but I phoned this morning and was told they would get them to contact me? I am just going round in circles.

At wits end and desperate, I hate bothering them but really need some effective medication to ease my chronic anxiety. I am worn out and cry constantly, can't stop shaking and can't see any way out. Diazapam only helps for a few hours, and I feel like I will never get better which only makes my anxiety worse.

I'm really frightened.

J xx

29-06-16, 19:11
I know this is an old thread but I'm going through the very same thing and I need a little bit of help and support. Just wondering if you were still around to maybe give some advice or what you did to help yourself. I've been on Sertraline for about nine and a half weeks now and it's still not helping and I can kind of tell that it's just not the right drug for me but it feels like nothing is and I'm going through verbatim everything you said you were going through.