View Full Version : Really hate what my anxiety's doing to my parents :(

15-05-13, 12:19
I've got the dentist this afternoon now and my dad doesn't understand at all about my fears. Im sure he thinks I'm making a lot of this up :( he and mum just had a bit of an argument because of me and I just feel awful. Mum tries to understand but dad says she gives into me too easily. Makes me hate myself even more :weep:

15-05-13, 14:51
Hey I have the exact same problem! And feel the same way..except I don't even want my mum to leave the house! She supports me and like you my dad thinks she gives in to easily and that I just need a kick up the bum... But regardless (and it will be the same for you!) they love me and jut hate seeing me like this... Don't worry because ip even if your dad doesn't understand he will still care about you! It's just some peopl don't know /understand how to deal with this situation...sorry I'm not giving you a way to make it better but letting you know you're not alone:)

15-05-13, 19:56
Thanks Hanbr. It does help to know I'm not alone. Dad's been in a funny mood all day, and mum said he's been like this since he woke up. I told her that I'm taking it personally, I feel like I'm the cause of this, but she said no, he gets like this some times. We've often joked about it actually, but feeling so sensitive at the moment it's hard not to take it personally. You're right our parents do love us - just have to remember that!

15-05-13, 20:30
I also worried about what my anxiety is doing to my parents and rest of the family.

I been to the doctors so many times in the last 18 months. I been told I need to calm down that I fine.

It started 5 years ago about my teeth, now it have moved onto about 200 cancer worries and diseases (it has not helped when I looked up about the NF I got) and with these bowel cancer adverts, my Dad did his screening since he reached the age.

My parents said you had tests done and these are fine, if there was a problem I would be hunted down by the police, doctors if there was a problem with my results of scans. I been told I got IBS.

My parents are fine that I get some help with my anxiety starting next month. No doubt my parents would vetted my list of things before going.

15-05-13, 20:37
That's what my parents said. You've had the tests and they've come back ok. They're right of course, but it's hard for it to sink in.

My friend had IBS a while back, and I know it was awful for her. She had hypnotherapy with someone who specialises in IBS. She said it was very relaxing but not sure it really worked. She's now managing it with a change in diet.

I've also worried about my symptoms - had a CT scan at the start of the year because I was having persistent headaches and stiff neck, blood tests, etc but they've all come back clear. We need to tell ourselves that we're ok and we can beat this anxiety!

18-05-13, 08:22
I am still quite concern what I putting my parents through, I am scared of cancer and millions of other things (my parents say you cannot keep running to the doctors every few minutes, I done quite well not going in nearly two weeks) How do my parents know if something is serious wrong with me, like I think I do.

I should trust the GP doctors/specialist I have seen so far.

My parents are not concerned about their aches and pains (but I am about mine)

My parents think I am getting to be a really hypercondriac over the last six months and more. I am scared about my health with this cancer fear, even though a lot of cancers are rare for me age of 29. It is not unheard of what really makes me scared from reading online articles (bowel, lung, kidney etc.) it also moves onto checking my bones with non hodgkin's lymphoma and hodgkins etc.

26-05-13, 15:32
My parents have often said, especially my mum have you ever had of the story the boy who cried wolf. I am scared about my health it being going on far too long. I get asked by my mum don't you believe anybody these days. I know I got to trust doctors and specialist, and stop listening to that little voice in my head. Rarely doctors make mistakes because they can get intro trouble. It does not help reading Daily Mail Online or reading Daily Mail.

My Dad says you had test done, both my parents had said you have two scans ultrasound of the abdominal and CT scan and all been fine at the moment. You got sent for the CT scan just to reassurance you by the specialist.

We don't have anybody who have had cancer in the family, my Dad mum died in 2000 whether this was due to cancer or not I don't know, all we got told the day before she had not long to live.