View Full Version : Can't cope,please help

15-05-13, 13:34
Hey I posted on here a few weeks back about my health anxiety..basically for the past six years I have felt constantly dizzy/weird and am convincing myself nothing is real and I'm going to collapse/die... The strange thing is the intensity of these symptoms just keep going worse which makes me believe its not anxiety..however I've had blood tests,ecgs, ultrasounds X-rays etc...but I'm still not convinced. Like they must have missed something because I shouldn't feel like this from the moment I wake up till I go to sleep.
I did have a good couple of weeks where I worked for a couple of hours (with my mum and boyfriend being there though)
But I've just taken a million steps back.. I don't even want to leave the house,I don't want my mum or boyfriend to leave the house.. My mum isn't working and I don't even like her popping down the road. This part is upsetting me most, fair enough I have to be burdened with this but I HATE putting my family through this, it's breaking us apart. I have been an emotional wreck.. Getting up crying so much I collapse because I just can't cope anymore, I don't even know who I am as I feel like anxiety is the only thing people see. I am only 18 and this is ruining my life.. I can't cope with it anymore,I just feel so helpless and such a burden on my family.. I just don't think they understand how terrified I am every second that I'm dying... Which is backed up with me feeling so rubbish . I see no way out and I can't do it anymore, I'm sick of crying and feeling sorry for myself but every time I seem to push myself I end up going backwards and the intensity of my dizziness is worsening making me give up hope and feeling emotionally drained. I just feel very alone even though I have amazing people around me.. It's got to the point where I just breakdown every day and I don't want to put myself or my family through it anymore.... Sorry just really needed to vent my emotions
Hannah xx

Mr Average
15-05-13, 13:37
I have no words of wisdom for you as I am a carer of someone else that suffers from anxiety. However, I did not want to just leave your thread and so wanted to say that someone else will be along soon with good advice and encouragement for you.

I wish you the very best.

Take care, Mr A

15-05-13, 13:45
Thankyou :)x

15-05-13, 13:49
Hannah a few months ago I could have written the same post as you. now thankfully I am in a much better place. I am able to leave the house again, not crying day and night and able to actually enjoy things so just hang in there..it WILL get better. Just like any other illness anxiety takes time to recover from. Try not to feel guilty or that you are a burden to others, your family love you and just want to help you to get well. Take the advise from your doctor and I don't know have you had any talking therapies? Intense psychotherapy really helped me. :hugs::hugs:

15-05-13, 13:54
Reassuring to know other people get through this:) I was having councilling from sept to march time but she wasn't very good didn't understand..laughed at me and didn't really help me enforce any coping strategies or anything... And ATM as I am finding it hard to the leave the house some days, I have been told by the doctor that a psychotherapist will only come and do home visit cbt if you're suicidal :s so I don't know where to look because I think counselling would be helpful but obviously I am limited to my resources
Thankyou:) xx

15-05-13, 14:13
Go back to your Dr and tell them about your experience with the therapist, CBT is great but if she laughed at you that is appalling, I do think that only people who have been down the same road should be able to become therapists to help us with anxiety/panic/HA etc at least they would understand how we feel, I know it’s different but when I quit smoking they offered me a therapist to help me get past the first 6 weeks, I went once, she was really nice but had no concept of how I felt because, you guessed it she had never smoked!!!!
I don’t know where you live but check with the no panic help line to see if there is a group in your area, also there are such things as buddies for people who are becoming unable to leave the house, the problem with agoraphobia is that once it takes hold it can last for years so it needs to be dealt with now.
I truly hope you start to feel better soon, what would we do without this site :ohmy:

15-05-13, 14:32

I feel your pain in what you write. I am sure you aren't a burden. I am losing my relationship due to my HA. She doesn't get what is wrong with me. Having a terrible day today, but I just keep reassuring myself it is anxiety. Easier said than done of course.

You are so young and have so much ahead of you. I really hope to find the help and support you need.

Charlie x

P.s. posted this on your similar post :)

15-05-13, 14:54
Thankyou all for you support :) I have told my doctor and he was appalled by the way she treated me however he was unaware of any other options in my area:(
Thankyou so much I will look into all of this but just worried I won't find anyone! Makes me feel very down and I have lost all my confidence :( but I really appreciate everyone's comments of support