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15-05-13, 14:14
Im sitting down now feeling a surge of dread and doom like I may crack up :-/
Im on my own today my two year old son is with his dad and this feeling is awful like I need to hide im trying to just let it pass ive been busy doing lots of things today but also thinking alot about everything I need to get done I now feel like im not here feeling aswell :-(

15-05-13, 14:27
Hi Fluff - you're doing all the right things. Keep keeping busy and believe me the feeling of dread and doom will pass. I remember writing a post last year about the same feeling - my panic and fear of 'whatever it was' was so high that I actually thought I might die that day :ohmy:. A year later I'm still here but I can remember that day like it was yesterday. I know that 'not here' feeling as well - I call it brain fog and it's horrible. Again - it does pass. Take one thing at a time, you can't do it all and I know it isn't easy but while your son isn't around try to take a bit of time for you, have a soak in the bath, put some music on and try to relax a little. Big hugs. xx

15-05-13, 14:49
Thankyou Meche yes I think I will take it easy for rest of day I seem to think I have to decorate clean up house and get some exercise in and think of all the stuff im worried about at the same time and my anxiety symptoms aswell all good fun :-) no wonder I feel like this.

15-05-13, 15:41
Good for you. I'm exactly the same at times. Always striving to get things done and never having time and getting stressed.... :wacko:! I'm a bit OCD when it comes to cleaning and organisation so I've had to learn to let go a little. Not easy but I'm more content for it. Don't be so harsh on yourself for not getting things done - it can wait. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon. xx