View Full Version : DVT worries

15-05-13, 15:14
I am due to go into Hospital for a minor op on Friday, I have always had a huge fear of DVT which causes me great anxiety, now here is the weird thing, Last Sunday I developed a pain in my calf, so I have had it for 4 days, I only get it when I squat down, ie to put something in the washing machine etc, or occasionally if I flex my foot! It doesn't hurt to walk, it isnt red, swollen, warm, the pain isnt intense. I am driving myself up the wall, I dont want to go to the Doc because deep down I know they will not think it is DVT! I am panicking now about going into hospital and potentially already having DVT:weep:

15-05-13, 15:39
It does not sound anything like DVT but to put your mind at rest you can mention it to the nurse when you go in for your op.

15-05-13, 16:26
I know :doh: its like I am almost bringing the pain on myself, before I even have the op! I wish so much that I could stop myself from constantly worrying about it, Thank you for replying :D

15-05-13, 16:30
I hope the op goes well for you..I am sure you will be fine :hugs::hugs:

semper solus
15-05-13, 17:03

It could be a slight tendon tear, I get them now and again on the inside of my left calf. As you say it doesn't hurt when you walk about but things like squatting causes discomfort in that area. I do know they normally give you support stockings to wear on your legs when you have operations

Keep smiling :)


15-05-13, 17:33
I hope so, I'm so odd! There is a part of me that knows I am being over anxious, but there is always overwhelming worry that won't let me be rational.

semper solus
15-05-13, 17:42

Your not odd, you just someone that needs a little support just like the rest of us on here :)

15-05-13, 18:16
:) thank you :)

semper solus
15-05-13, 18:31
Your welcome. I hope all goes well for you, just think of pink bunny rabbits and white fluffy clouds!! :laugh: :laugh:

18-05-13, 19:55
Hi I just thought I would take 2 minutes to tell the outcome of this. Well, I went into the hospital, I took the advice on here and I mentioned it to the consultant about my calf pain, I explained it wasn't red, swollen etc, just painful when I bent the leg. He got me to lie on the bed he looked at both legs, he used both hands to squeeze the backs of both legs quite deeply and asked if it hurt, it didnt, that was it! Operation went ahead, I was fine, and leg feels better too (funnily enough:winks:) I did mention that I thought I had perhaps brought the pain on myself, by worrying and no one made me feel silly, I was really glad I told them.

18-05-13, 20:14
I am pleased that everything has gone well for you :) xx