View Full Version : worried about parent

15-05-13, 17:28
Hi all..just found out mymum has just had to have a biopsy on her breast..she hasnt said anything but i heard her mention something the other day and while beomg nosey i found thr hospital letter 'core needle biopsy'..it doesnt sound good when you google it..so now im worried sick..im thinking all the worse thoughts...cancer..chemo...everything..i know this isnt about me..i need to be strong if it is bad news..but im gonna be worrying about this for ever. Its my worst nightmare..something bad happening to a family member.and the C word terrifies me.
Sarah x

15-05-13, 18:25
I'm sorry Sarah, you must be so worried. Maybe you need to mention that you saw the hospital letter and find out what the results are. I hope it's not as bad as it sounds.

15-05-13, 18:39
I know...i should ask...i cant wait and worry until we hear something..its a horrible sick feeling..

15-05-13, 18:47
Aww, I just wanted to send you a big hug :bighug1:

My mum has a tumor in her womb and is due an emergency op/biopsy this Friday so I know exactly how you feel. My mum wasn't going to tell me because she knew it would upset and worry me and I have a pretty tough week...my brother persuaded her that I would want to know (and I certainly did) so she told me on Monday.

I think you will find an inner strength that will help you through. I hope you and your mum can have a talk about it and you can reassure her as much as possible at this terrible time. We always tend to think the worst, hopefully it won't be as bad as we imaging. All we can really do is be there for them and stay strong.

I wish you and your mum all the best for a positive outcome.

Kitti :hugs: xx

15-05-13, 19:18
I had a needle biopsy in my breast a few years ago and everything was fine so hopefully your Mum's results will be good too. :hugs::hugs:

15-05-13, 19:42
Thanks guys..i know i am thinking the worst right now...she is a strong lady...mums always are eh!!i am keeping everything x'ed...
Thank you guys xx

15-05-13, 19:55
Let us know how she is Sarah..I hope your mum will be okay :hugs:

17-05-13, 19:10
Spoke to mum...she told me she found a large lump near her armpit..waiting for results and they want to take it out asap..so lymph nodes..nasty...she's staying positive and joking about wigs..im a mess..i cant stop crying..even though i promised myself id stay strong and its not about me. I need to be supportive and strong especially if bad news. But i feel sick and tearful and cannot even imagine how this might go.
Anyone have tips that may have been through this before?coping mechanisms?i struggle to eat when im worried too.

17-05-13, 19:24
Sending you hugs Sarah :hugs::hugs::hugs: I know people who have gone through this and have had a full recovery and hopefully it will be the same for your Mum. She will need lots of support to help her through this and it is going to be a tough time for you but we are all here to listen to and support you as much as we can xx

17-05-13, 23:46
Thanks annie..i actually cant stop crying. I really want to be strong for my mum but i just cant help thinking all these horrible things, im gonna just crumble in front of her i know it.

18-05-13, 00:28
It is natural for you to be feeling like this Sarah but try to think positive. Most women have a full recovery and hopefully your mum will be one of those. It won't be easy seeing your Mum go through all the pain of treatment. It is good that she has a positive attitude about it and this will help with her recovery. Your Mum will understand you being upset too. 2 of my friends have gone through this and they both managed to stay positive. One of them liked her wigs so much that even now her own hair has grown back lovely she still sometimes wears them :) Please try to be positive (I know it is hard) You have only just found out about it and it has been a big shock to you so you are bound to feel weepy and anxious. Your Mum is lucky to have a lovely daughter like you to support her. If you want to chat any time or ask questions about my friends please pm me :hugs::hugs::hugs:

22-05-13, 19:32
So, tomorrow is results day...im am soooo worried i am mentally prepared for the worst. Although i dont think you can really prepare for bad news. But as a family we are trying to stay strong. I just dont know what we are going to do if this is bad.
But again im saying me and i...its about mum and staying strong.
Anyone with any tips or advice for dealing with bad news or cancer...would be gratefully recieved.

22-05-13, 19:37
The Macmillan website has lots of helpful information on it. The best thing to do at the moment is just wait until tomorrow when you will know the results and then you will be able to know what support you are looking for. There will be plenty of help and support for you and your family whatever the out come. Sending you hugs and let us know how things go tomorrow. :hugs::hugs: