View Full Version : Anxiety - Had CBT -Referred to Consultant

15-05-13, 19:39

I've have an lot of problems over the last year culminating in an incident at work last summer where I had a rage attack in reception and hit out and swore at the security barriers.

I was referred to the Lets Talk Wellbeing service in Nottingham who I saw for 8 sessions for what they called CBT, although from what I've read they did n't use any of the CBT techniques. That did n't work for me or address any of my issues so I asked to be referred to another service.

Last week I finally got to see a consultant. I talked about the anxiety I feel most of the time and anxiety I get when in new situations or meeting people in a social situation. The consultant wants me to go on to Pregabalin and is also referring me on to another team.

I'm not keen on going on medication, particularly if the Pregabalin makes me feel drowsy. Can I refuse to take it and still get psychological treatment?

Also, I'm wondering what this other team will do for me? Has anyone else been referred elsewhere after having CBT?

15-05-13, 19:48
Hi Shyoldguy

I had the usual 8 sessions of CBT but it didnt work for me either. I was referred for psychotherapy by my GP, but decided to look for a private psychologist. I can honestly say it was the best thing for me, the difference between CBT & psychotherapy is incredible, it gives you the opportunity to talk more deeply about your feelings & help you to understand them.

I also had to take the decision over medication, it was very hard, but in the end my psych explained that it would make therapy easier to engage in & of course she was right! I'm still on medication & now view it the same as a diabetic would take insulin, a necessary evil!

Good luck with meds & therapy, I hope it goes well for you.

17-05-13, 16:54
Hi Shyoldguy

I had the usual 8 sessions of CBT but it didnt work for me either. I was referred for psychotherapy by my GP, but decided to look for a private psychologist. I can honestly say it was the best thing for me, the difference between CBT & psychotherapy is incredible, it gives you the opportunity to talk more deeply about your feelings & help you to understand them.

I also had to take the decision over medication, it was very hard, but in the end my psych explained that it would make therapy easier to engage in & of course she was right! I'm still on medication & now view it the same as a diabetic would take insulin, a necessary evil!

Good luck with meds & therapy, I hope it goes well for you.

That's a fantastic philosophy ! I am an old-fashioned male, and for a long time I classed my anxiety as a weakness, and didn't deal with it very well ! Now, and as you quite rightly say, I treat it like any other illness. If necessary, I'll have medication (amitriptyline), otherwise, I just simply ride it out. On the original subject, CBT was a bust for me too. A group of people with varying stages of mental illness put together in one room is never going to work out well ! I was disgusted personally, and saw a counsellor at my own cost. Worked out better that CBT :).