View Full Version : Knee Pain and Clicking

15-05-13, 20:38
Hi guys.
A new problem!

I have an awful pain in my left knee at the moment. Each time I move it/kneel down I have an intense pain in and around the kneecap area.
There is a clicking/popping sound as though something is moving around.
The intense pain woke me up last night and it hurt for ages after waking up, like a knife, really horrid.
Does anyone have any idea what this may be?

15-05-13, 23:28
Yes, I have similar in my left knee. Sometimes it feels like it goes out of joint. I've had intense physio which has helped. The physio said years of horse riding or skiing could have caused it.
I had also put on some weight which didn't help.
Pleased to say it is much better. I'd suggest you get referred for some physio.
Good luck x

16-05-13, 00:16
I actually hurt my knee 2 years ago, and ever since I have clicking in it when I step a certain way. It also hurts, but some days are less noticeable than others. I had an MRI done on it and I thankfully didn't tear any ligaments but they had scars from when I fell and dislocated my knee. The knee surgeon told me that it would click and hurt pretty much for the rest of my life. You should probably ask your doctor about this and just get it checked out. :)

16-05-13, 01:56
hi im a physiotherapist and from what i can see is you might have patellar tendinitis.

16-05-13, 20:21
hi im a physiotherapist and from what i can see is you might have patellar tendinitis.

Thank you for this. What do I do if it is?
Also update on my situation...it is now slightly swollen too.

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------


17-05-13, 10:45
you will know its swollen if you feel it warm.ice pack in that case should be applied and some antiinflammatory meds and cream.