View Full Version : Cant think of anything but breast cancer atm,its taking over :(

15-05-13, 20:47
so iv been getting this discomfort in the side and underneath of my left breast for 2 weeks, I wasn't sure if it was my ribs because at the same time my back left upper ribs were burning like mad, anyhow, the burning is still there but no where near as what it was.
my left breast has always seemed a tiny bit bigger than right breast, husband thinks they look the same :huh:
so the discomfort isn't like a pain, its really hard to describe :wacko: I took my bra off an hour ago and the feelings seem to settle but now they are back.
after religiously checking for lumps,swellings etc I cant find any, but ,my left breast feels different inside to that of my right breast.
also my armpit has been sore however not much today, but was like shooting pains :(
I went to docs other day but my main concern was the burning in my back upper ribs, she checked my breathing but that was it despit me mentioning my breast feelings. she didn't seem too concerned,
I rang docs again and same doc rang me back today and said its not an emergency so couldn't see me.
I am booked in to see another female doc next wed.
back in February, I was at the docs seeing yet another lady doc about burning in my breast and armpit, she felt my breasts and wasn't concerned.
I cannot eat, constantly worrying and checking for lumps, my husband is SICK of me :( also im going abroad on hols in 3.5 weeks, Im not even thinking about it :(

15-05-13, 21:05
I am not a woman but maybe a few things to think about....

Does the pain come and go? Is the pain always in the same place?

The reason i ask is that my doctor always says if the pain is only there when you think about it then its likely to be a result of your anxiety.

Also if you are always checking/feeling/rubbing your breasts they will hurt. Try and relax dont check for a day or so and see how you feel, try and keep yourself distracted and evaluate at the end of the day how bad the pain has been on that day.

If you think you are not being listened to by your doc, make another appointment next week and make sure you get all your points across.

Hope that helps

15-05-13, 22:13
thanks for reply, after a big heated discussion with my husband in the last hour, lots of tears (me) arguing etc, I have tried to out it to the back of my mind, the discomfort is still there but not as much :huh:

15-05-13, 23:14
Poking and prodding, an ill fitted bra, blocked duct, infection, trauma to the area, mastitis, or hormonal changes can all reasons for what you describe.
I once prodded my breast so much, convinced I could feel a lump, that I gave myself a haematoma.
Monitor your pain in your diary. It may coincide with your menstrual cycle. If you are still worrying in a few weeks time, go back to your GP and ask to be referred to see a beast consultant. X

16-05-13, 21:15
it doesn't coincide with my menstrual cycle :/ I haven't worn a bra all day and the discomfort on a scale of 1-10 has been a 2, as opposed to a 5-6 yesterday, also after my heated discussion with other half last night, I have tried to stop thinking about it today, so not sure how its lessened.
im at docs on wed..need sorted for my holiday x

16-05-13, 22:01
My left breast is bigger than my right by quite a bit. It's lumper than the right and I get twinges from it and the occasional ache down the side around my ribs/armpit, especially when I think about it. I've been assured many times that it is pretty normal. I'm sure yours is nothing to worry about at all. :)

17-05-13, 07:59
babe! i can so relate to this!! this was me a few years back, i was completely obsessed, hubby was going to leave as he finds my ha far too much sometimes. if the drs not concerned i would seriously put it right to the back of your mind, just one of those things! it WILL pass. promise! enjoy your hoLiday, if you hadnt been to the drs i would understand your worry, but youve been and your OK.!! I know its hard as ha is an awful thing, ive wasted many many years of my life worrying about different things. still do! but you are seriously wasting your life sweetheart xx

---------- Post added at 07:59 ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 ----------

p.s my right breast is massively bigger than my left, even different nipples. dr says its normal. no woman is exact!

17-05-13, 09:24
when I went to docs tho she didn't check my breasts :( only my back ribx via stethoscope.
im going back to see another female doc on wed, im sick :(

17-05-13, 13:38
hi i have that same fear 3 months a go you can read in my previous post, i was diagnosed of costochondritis but still that feeling of discomfort in my breast persist so i came back to the doc and have a mammo and an ultrasound.i was really so worried and panicky those times and thank God everything is ok.

18-05-13, 10:47
well I managed to get a cancellation yesterday and managed to see a lovely locum doctor, she felt my breasts and said there was no lumps- which I kinda new, and that was a good thing, she said she cant refer me to th breast clinic just for reassurance because she doubts they would give me mammogram (too young and also she said the actual mammogram would make me worry more because of the radiation risks !) and they don't just do ultrasounds willy nilly ...
NOW about 55% of me believes the doc, BUT she was very young and I know some breast cancers present pain without lumps as they are behind the breast :unsure:.
So im kinda putting it to the back of my mind which im finding very hard, the doc was rather concerned that I had stopped my cbt, but I did ring up again and self refer yesterday so I have an assessment on 30th this month :)
still feeling the feelings in my left breast, which may be just one of those hundreds of cases of breast pain, however my mind finds it hard to understand how people get pain if theres nothing wrong :unsure:
so im cancelling my appointment on wed but will keep my appointment in june- day before my holiday, it might be that by then I have forgot totally and the pain goes away, but for now im gonna relax and hopefully stay away from google xxx

18-05-13, 16:43
just had a read of mipsys poem :D cheered me right up, I was starting to feel a bit down ...now I think im gonna log off for the night xxx

19-05-13, 09:50
I can totally relate to this. I have been going through a period of 'breast panic' in recent weeks, and this is something that has recurred throughout my adult life. I got in a panic over a rash at the side of my breast, googled it and decided I had galloping breast cancer! My doctor examined me, explained what it would be like if I did have breast cancer and reasuured me completely - for nearly 24 hours! Then the doubts crept in and the pain came with them. Lots of strange pain and discomfort for several days, then the cream the doctor gave me cured the rash and I talked myself round and the pain disappeared.

But I'm now going through another panic because I decided there was a new vein showing up in my breast and a slightly pink area - does the skin look funny? What does an 'orange peel skin' look like that they say you have to watch out for?

But at my older age there are lots of veins in my breasts, particularly the left breast. And yes, my left breast is bigger, has always tended to feel tender and I had lots of pain in it for years after feeding my second child for a long time (he was huge and hungry, but that was 40 years ago!) So why on earth am I worrying now?

It does help to realise you're not the only one with these worries. I'm not going back to my doctor because he's already seen me and pronounced my breasts okay. So why am I worrying.

Good luck stressedmam! :)

20-05-13, 15:54
all went ell up until today, im getting a slight burning feeling on my breast and nipple, about 60% of me thinks its nothing but other 40% well you know the rest :(

20-05-13, 16:05

I'm right there with you on this I have breast issues and have had for as long as I can remember.

At the moment I have an on off tender area under my right breast which isn't there all the time and is only there if I push down quite firmly under the boob, probably a lot more firmly than you are supposed to.

I've had it for ages and I can feel it on the other side but not as painful. I also did a breast check the other day and I'm not at all happy with how my breasts look. I have loads of stretch marks, spider veins and I keep thinking I check them but am I missing something.

I've also just turned 40 and keep reading about how "women should get a mammogram every year after the age of 40" I've never had a mammogram because in this country they don't do them at 40 so that terrifies me to.

I also think I have loads of risk factors, such as having my son late, being on BCP in the past etc so I also worry about that.

I do think this is a really common one for us ladies, it's very hard not to worry as it's constantly on the telly and in the news and although the treatment has come on in leaps and bounds I don't know if it's my HA but I always seem to find the not so happy endings when I'm reading!

Anway I have an appt booked with a well woman doctor this week and I'm going to ask her to check them.

You are not alone with this fear it's been one of mine for as long as I can

I have been taking Evening Primrose Oii as a friend of mine has lots of breast issues and they told her at the breast clinic to take it for her breast pain and cysts etc, I have to say the month I took it solidly for my pain was a lot better so I also think breast pain is a lot more common that we think.
Take care xx

20-05-13, 21:35
thanks for reply :)
I just get sooo worked up that I get into such a state :(
I too have stretch marks, spider veins etc ..im 30 and no family history of bc, also had all 3 of my children befor I was 25. it is just 1 big constant concern I have :((

---------- Post added at 21:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:41 ----------

:( feel crap

---------- Post added at 21:35 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

OMG just checked my breast in the mirror and theres the start if a red line on it :'(

21-05-13, 09:15
I've decided for the moment, while my anxiety is high, to just glance at my breasts in the mirror without my glasses on! Anything really important would show up, but all the silly little things that I stress about aren't visible!

22-05-13, 09:19
well after the 2 red lines on my breast night before last, which have now disappeared, I am keeping my appointment with doc today, I have taken ibuprofen for 3 days solid now and no improvement :( also I can now see some red thread veins on my left breast that I know wernt there before...
im so sick of this, and I feel that because if my health anxiety, the docs think im exaggerating, but I can assure you this is not the case. iv had this feeling in left breast for 3 weeks today... :scared10:
I am absolutely petrified

22-05-13, 10:16
Good luck with the doctor. Let us know what they say. Don't forget that breast pain is almost always NOT breast cancer.

22-05-13, 17:50
Just wanted to add I've got the red veiney things on my breasts, they came on during my pregnancy with my son and obviously I went running off to the doctors, they are spider veins and common with weight gain and fluctuating hormones.

They are completely harmless and I find sometimes mine are barely visible and other times, when I'm cold or near my period etc they are really prominent.

I know this probably won't reassure you much but they are actually quite common and the breasts are one of the areas they are most likely to occur.

So even if they are new, doesn't mean anything, other than your hormones might be a bit out of whack.

take care

23-05-13, 21:18
sorry for late reply , but wanted a night off laptop yday :winks:
went to doc yday, she had a feel of my breasts and couldnt feel anything, she said i cant be refered to breast clinic until i have had pun for 8 weeks- which is understandable, she also said that she REALLY doesnt think its anything, i did point out that, health anxiety suffrers can still get things wrong and she assured me that i am being taken seriously :shrug:
so, im happy to leave it at that and see what happens, i have been taking ibuprofen for past few days and evening primorose since yday and im not noticing pains as much...hopefully im ok :)

23-05-13, 21:38
That's good, it sounds like she has managed to reassure you which is great.

As I type I have a pain under my left breast which has been there for about and hour now so I'm fretting. I have an appt with the GP next week and she is going to do a breast exam for me, dreading it, but I have to go, otherwise I'll keep prodding and poking.

I do find evening primrose oil helped, I stupidly stopped taking it and now I'm having pain again but have started agaom sp hoping it will settle down.

Really glad your appt went well, it does sound like you have a good GP which is half the battle when you have HA and I'm sure she is taking you seriously, they can't afford not to in this day and age.

Hope you continue to feel better x

25-05-13, 18:48
I'm back .... Yeah I woke up and had slight shooting pain in left breast, tried to forget, last night I had a nite out with friends from work, didn't think about it once and guess what?mno pains whatsoever, I have managed to get through today with only niggling,pains very few hours... Keep thinking if it was serious pain wouldn't go like that and come back ?? Mi am also peed off with a friend of mine, who when I mentioned it she said "if it is anything serious wouldn't u like to live ur last days happy " I was mortified :(

27-05-13, 00:14

I can relate to everything you're going through. I have very large breasts (G) and they're lumpy. I get quite bad pain in them towards my period, spider veins, other red blotches, dry skin on my nipples and they can be really sore where my bra's rubbed them. I know it's a silly question but are you wearing the right size bra? I only mention it because you said the pain was less on a day you went bra free.

I worry about everything to do with my boobs. For the last seven months I have been obsessed with the dry skin on my nipples. Immediately thought it was cancer; even though two GPs told me it was fine. Then, over Easter, I badly bruised my left breast (underneath it) checking. Then I found what I thought was a lump under it and got very scared. Have been to the GP three times in the last month and seen two different people. First GP thought it was swelling from bruise, second said it was normal breast tissue, then first GP told me there was nothing there. He has referred me for a scan for my peace of mind. Am scared - but need to do it.

You need to trust your GP - easier said then done I know x