View Full Version : Can anyone allay my fears, please?

15-05-13, 23:29
I have just been to Docs about this bout of indigestion I seem to have and ask if I should up my 15mg Lansaprazole. She checked my tummy (all fine) and agreed that I should up the dose to 15mg in morning as well as at night.

Told her about my HA and she agreed that it is a viscious circle and when you are anxious, it produces adrenaline which increases stomach acid etc. I asked about a hiatus hernia and she said that would have shown up on the "camera down" and I wasn't overweight. Felt quite happy when I left the surgery but now I am driving myself mad again that it could still be a hiatus hernia as the camera down was 5 years ago!

Because I didn't mention that it was this long ago to her, I am going crazy again with worry that I may have now developed one since - am I worrying unnecessarily?? Please help, surely I wouldn't have suddenly developed a Hiatus Hernia now, surely if she was concerned about that she would have said something?

15-05-13, 23:33
Hi, I answered your other post about same. The admin may delete this duplicate post x

15-05-13, 23:56
Thanks for your response. I tried to edit my previous post but it all got a bit confusing?! Hence the duplicate. I am sure you are right and that this will settle down just like all my other symptons tend to do once I calm down and rationalise.