View Full Version : swollen lymph nodes

28-09-06, 08:24
hi guys

just wondering if any1 knows how long these can stay up? ive had sinusitis for what seems like ages, and from the tonsillitus i had i still have an enlarged lymph node on my neck, it dosnt hurt or anything just wondered if any1 had any info on how long they last etc, im still suffering from the sinus trouble and it says thats infected sinus's can cause this, just another 1 of my many worries,

thanks for listening
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

28-09-06, 10:24
I have a permenantly enlarged one in my neck-i have had it a few years , the doc has checked it out after becoming paranoid i had hodgkins disease.....had lots blood tests all normal-so ive forgot about it, i still feel it now and again but thats all........mine came up after a very bad throat infection.....yours will be the same due to your sinus trouble..they can take a while to go down, or stay up like mine
if you are really worried mention it to your doctor-he will reassure you......
take carex

28-09-06, 10:26

thanks for replying, thats reassuring,

take care

i just wanna feel normal

11-09-08, 21:38
Similar to Leanne...I have had bad sinusitis probs for 3-4 weeks and have 2 poss 3 swollen lymph nodes on same side of neck for past 5 months that were scanned and I was told benign. However they do not seem to be going. I was told to forget them but my tonsils are sore and my sinus' are giivng me trouble. I have mood swings and ocassionally do not eat. Other times I seem to eat for Britain. I work overseas and work times are busy but evenings I plough through all the wrong web sites in search of answers.I know I should not but it has become compulsive.I am stressed at work and worry that a cyst I have in my neck has become malignant. I have had fever from sinus (I hope), especially in my neck area. I had 10 days of antibiotics and my asthma seems to be under control but it all seems to be getting too much. I am alone in a foreign land spending the evenings thinking the worst.I was relieved to find out that a few months of swollen nodes are not that bad.cheers

11-09-08, 22:19
no way....my sisters called leanne and she was born in 1980!

12-09-08, 07:33
It amazes me how many NMPers have sinus infections or sinus problems. Me too! I had a sinus infection for the best part of 10 weeks, though it is clearing up now (I keep telling myself). My glands were up pretty much constantly throughout, especially on the right side. I had tonsillitis too. Your glands swell in response to infection so they may well stay up as long as the infection is still there. And it often takes weeks for them to go back to normal after the infection has gone.