View Full Version : Mini-strokes? Seizures? Just lights flickering?

16-05-13, 01:15
I had an eye appointment yesterday. It went well, but as I was sitting in the exam room, I noticed that it looked like the floor was "shaking" when I concentrated on it. I looked up at the one light in the room to see if it was perhaps loose or shaking a bit or flickering, but it didn't seem like it. I had no other issues with anything in the exam, and my doctor told me my eyes looked great.

Then this morning as I was getting ready for a shower, I noticed the lights in my bathroom seemed to flicker. Being a hypo, I didn't quite dismiss it but resolved that if it kept happening in other rooms I would take it more seriously. It happened three times across five or so minutes, then stopped. I took my shower, and went about the rest of my day without having a problem.

Then I got home again, and started to watch TV with my family in our living room. As I'm sitting there, eating dinner and watching the television, I noticed the lights seemed to flicker AGAIN. I was in the room with three other people and none of them noticed it. I had no other symptoms (well, aside from my constant floaters and tinnitus) when these happened. Am I overreacting again?

16-05-13, 15:08

16-05-13, 16:55
I'm sure if there was a problem it would have been picked up on your eye examination. They look behind your eye etc for any pressure which would indicate a problem.. I get weird things like this I put it down to anxiety