View Full Version : If you do have a serious illness should you still post on here?

16-05-13, 11:50
Or not mention it because of frightening other posters. Just wondering because I'm pretty sure I do, and I like this site. :blush:

16-05-13, 12:38
But aren't we all "pretty sure" we do? :)

16-05-13, 12:48
I know if someone comes on and tells us they've been diagnosed it sends my health anxiety in overdrive xx

16-05-13, 13:18
I think if our friends on NMP are diagnosed with something then we should be supporting them. If some members think it will be a trigger they don't have to read it.

16-05-13, 13:25
I agree with Annie, I think if people need our help and support they should feel free to post here. If I happened to be diagnosed I would need this site for support I would imagine! xx

16-05-13, 13:31
I agree with Annie too, occasionally I choose not to read a post if i think it will trigger something and I am sure there are loads of us out there who do that.

I would like to think that we can talk about anything and will get support and not be judged.

16-05-13, 13:31
I agree with annie too..... we cant ever turn our backs on someone if they get diagnosed, they are our friends & we are here to support people & that's how we all become friends.

16-05-13, 14:16
I wouldn't mind you posting here at all. Maybe if you write in the thread title "maybe a trigger" then people who don't want to read it won't have to.

16-05-13, 14:56
What do you think you have got uncertain?

16-05-13, 15:26
Just my opinion but this site has many forums and maybe general anxiety would be better to stop from triggering others. Just my opinion and I doubt it's a rule. I just know hen I read in a magazine or about anyone's actual illness it starts me off xx sorry of this offends but like someone said if it is in the title we can also avoid xx

16-05-13, 15:33
Just reading here about symptoms that people do/don't have sets me off. For diseases I never thought I had before. So I don't much see the difference. I think a good portion of us wont ever get a diagnosis anyhow.

16-05-13, 15:53
I was thinking along the lines of someone posting for for the first time for example "i thought i just had a swollen neck gland and its turned out to be lymphoma". It could be a trigger for someone who is already on the edge and make them worse. Could be a serious matter for some.
However, I do wholeheartedly agree with the previous poster who said it can be made clear in the title and members can choose to read or not. Sorry if i didnt make myself clear and sounded short in my last post. I didnt mean to be. The written word can sometimes come across in a way not intended (note to myself as a new member getting to know etiquette).
Im sure if i found myself with a serious illness, I'd be grateful for the support of this forum. There are lots of lovely people who will help by replying. Hope you're ok.

Edit: deleted my last post and added this one x

16-05-13, 19:04
I agree with most of the others that if we do get diagnosed with something it should not be a barrier to posting about it. We would need the support even more at this point.

16-05-13, 19:13
I agree that we should be able to post if we are diagnosed with an illness. NMP is a lifeline to many people and not being able to share would be awful. I agree that maybe a heading at the top of the thread warning people would help, then you have a choice whether you continue to read or not.

17-05-13, 01:06
When I was certain that I had bowel cancer last week, I stopped posting because I didn't want to freak anyone out. If I had been diagnosed with it I was planning to join a bowel cancer forum. Learning of other people's diagnoses is a trigger for me, so while I would 100 percent want to support someone who had been diagnosed it would probably set me off. I'm not saying that they shouldn't post here, just that it is a trigger for many. It's a tough one and if this is their lifeline then it would be awful not to support. Definitely depends on the circumstances and why they're here.

17-05-13, 01:33
What do you think you have got uncertain?
I am freaking out that I have lymphoma, but I made this a general thread because I thought it might apply to others as well. :blush:

17-05-13, 03:21
You should support each other regardless of what's wrong with you! You can't pick what you want to help with and what you don't....that's not being a friend....that's leaving when the going gets tough!


17-05-13, 09:46
I agree with Annie that if someone does get diagnosed then they should be able to post here and get our support. People just don't have to read it if its a trigger :)

17-05-13, 19:25
You should support each other regardless of what's wrong with you! You can't pick what you want to help with and what you don't....that's not being a friend....that's leaving when the going gets tough!


Totally agree, really well put . :)

17-05-13, 19:39
Uncertain, hope your appt went well. I've posted on your other post on the board.
Hope you get the support you need x

18-05-13, 02:21
Yeah I think if they write 'trigger warning' or 'dx' before the post then it's absolutely fine. I don't think that someone should be shunned if they do find out they have a legitimate illness, I think that would be quite unfair. Because inevitably more anxiety will follow that diagnosis, and they will probably need more support, so I think the community should be supportive. They should also be sensitive to the minds of everyone in this community though. I think a lot of us are worried about certain specific things. For instance, I'm terrified of blood clots and vascular disease. I am not however, particularly afraid right now of things that other people are terribly scared of, for example, HIV. And vice versa. They may not share my fears. So I know what is appropriate and what isn't.
So if someone mentions diagnosis of clots, I know to avoid that post, and if someone needs support or someone to talk to about something else, I can calmly be there for them. If someone can't handle someone else's diagnosis, then they don't have to read or click on their posts. Simple :)