View Full Version : terrible aching in legs.

28-09-06, 10:31
A weird one ...i know!

I have had a terrible aching feeling in both my calf muscles since i came back from honeymoon about 2 months ago.
It comes and goes. It is in both my calf muscles and feels like a dull ache. the only thing that relieves it is if i massage my calves really hard or if i keep my legs moving. I remember i used to get them when I was little and my Mum used to call them growing pains.

Well I know i am not growing now!!!

I am getting really worried about it now, like maybe it is MS or DVT or something.

Anyone else suffer and can give some friendly advise....it is really getting to me![V][V][V]

Hay x

28-09-06, 10:43
i was just coming online to post about aching legs myself! i get the worse aches and pains in my legs and bum daily, have done for a couple of months now, i cant phone the dr cos they never do anything, they dont visit, i call for a home visit, the dr calls always calls me back and says theres nothing they can do as i cant get to the surgery. ill tell my therapist, she just says, well theyre right. NO!! THEYRE NOT,i could be very ill, and they wouldnt have a care in the world. i feel im being treated unfairly.
My therapist puts my legs discomfort down to lack of movement, but im not sure, i spent 4 yrs in this house and theyre only just started to ache now. The only thing i think of us low thyroid levels or diabeties, i fear diabeties as when i first went to the dr about agorapohobia, there was no questions etc, it was her agreeingwith me and my mum that i have agoraphobia.

I am not having a good day today.

I hope you feel better soon hayle as i know how achey legs can affect us.

B x

28-09-06, 10:59
Thanks B
Hope you feel better soon too x

Hay x

28-09-06, 11:24
Yeah I get this too, mainly when I'm trying to get to sleep, it takes me hours to drop off because of it.
I've found that having a bath before I go to bed helpful as it relaxes my muscles.

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

28-09-06, 20:10

I defeinately suffer from the aching legs thing. Feels like I imagine poor circulation to feel. They are heavy and dull aching all the time. Generlaly my feet are freezing cold but when I get into bed for some reason they feel really hot !

I worred for a long time about DVTs but I think it is just another over sensistized part of the body.

Take good care

Love N Light


Two heads
28-09-06, 20:24
I had aching calf muscles a few months back!
I had a d-dimer and it came back clear and a chest x-ray so try not to worry it isnt a clot and its not ms as you would be feelig alot worse thn you are(members of my family have Ms).
Im sure its just muscle tension or your lacking in something!
Try not to worry sweet you are finexxxxxxxxx

29-09-06, 09:03
Thnaks Guys xxx

Hay x

28-05-09, 21:31
yes i too have been having aching arms and legs for the last 2 months and it too is a pain which roams.
Sometimes the pain starts with with feet being freezing cold which than turns to pain.
I had health anxiety for a year and a half.
It almost feels like the residue of the HA