View Full Version : One Thing Or Another

16-05-13, 17:31
The title sums up the way my anxiety has been going lately.

Read/see something online or on tv, get the symptoms, convince myself I have this major illness, go to the doctors they tell me I don't have it, then I move on to the next one.

Very much at a loose end with Anxiety, everything seems so over the top and last resort of late and it's getting very hard to cope with.

I've had anxiety for about 6 years of which its only heavily got on top of me I'd say for a year. The rest I've had under control.

I guess the point I'm trying to ask or get advice on is are we really capable of convincing ourself we have these illness's and then giving ourself the symptoms ?

16-05-13, 18:23
Hi Frazm

Yep we are perfectly capable of manifesting symptoms of illnesses, I do it all the time! I think another problem is that anxiety symptoms are so similar to symptoms of other illnesses too so its hard to tell the difference.

Health anxiety is horrible but we are strong people and will get through it :)

16-05-13, 18:36

yeah that seems to be the case, I start of one symptom and look online and with the next couple of days I've got them all.

It is a horrible, horrible thing. It's so time consuming as well, if I put as much time into something worthwhile other than checking with what was wrong with me, I'd be in a lot better place than I am.

16-05-13, 19:26
Hi googling is the worst thing anyone with HA can do . It caused me major problems last year I cringe with embarrassment when I think of some of the things I diagnosed myself with and developed symptoms as my HA was in complete overdrive. I have convinced myself I have had dozens of terminal illnesses and developed various pains which fit with my own diagnoses. I have never been right yet though. Health anxiety can make up believe anything sometimes.

16-05-13, 19:41
Yeah that's exactly how I feel, I'm certainly at an all time low for it just now its embarrassing how I've slipped back into the over thinking rubbish I let to pre-occupy my time previously.

I just seem to be taking symptoms and grabbing at them just now.

16-05-13, 19:46
Hi Fraz. So sorry you are suffering.
Have you ever tried CBT? It's been my lifeline for 2 years.
A good website to look at is Livinglifetothefull.com. It was recommended to me by my GP.

16-05-13, 19:53
Hi Mipsy,

I will take a look at it, thanks for the tips.

As for CBT I've not tried it as yet, I've been thinking about asking my gp for it?