View Full Version : Trying so hard to trust the docs...

16-05-13, 18:01
All my life I've had angina-like pains when I run. Had all the standard tests done as a teenager, and everything looked normal. I'm now 21 and without any particular risk factors that i know of except I was a light smoker. But ever since a bad flu 3 months ago I've been completely exercise intolerant with prolonged episodes of tachycarida, way more ectopics than normal, all sorts of chest and 'referred' pains, vomiting, faintness, sweats, shortness of breath. Last time I worked out I ended up in hospital getting 3 rounds of adenosine (not pleasant; apparently in my case it was unnecessary).

Went back to the cardiologist, saw a few others, had tests done; again they said that everything looked normal and it's a post-viral complication. So now I have to try and believe that my current inability to climb stairs and lifelong pains in chest and jaw are unrelated and/or benign. Doesn't help when I have episodes of shoulder pain, chest pressure, sweating and vomiting like this morning, or when a doctor online says they've never heard of benign chest pain referring to jaw like I get :shrug:

Luckily I've finally found a doctor who's going to try and admit me to hospital to see respiratory and gastro specialists. I just can't help but be TERRIFIED I have congenital artery abnormalities, since I don't know if I've ever been screened for that; most tests don't show them. Just hope I get into hospital soon :unsure:

16-05-13, 19:51
Hi freaked,
Sorry you are having some worries.
I'm happy you have found a supportive doctor.
Try to remember that most problems are treatable. It's our anxiety which makes us think the worst.
Hope you get an appt soon. Let us know how you get on.