View Full Version : Throat problems can anyone help ?

16-05-13, 20:56
Hiya I've been back again to the doctors about this but they keep going back to my anxiety I know they think that's what it is but I don't agree I have a on and off sore throat one sides for ages , on and off hoarseness , when I lie down it feels like my throat is closing up , I clear my throat quite often , and on the side where my throat hurts I have random sharp pains in my ear .i do butp quite often and my food often feels like its not going down very well like its sat at the bottom pf my throat .i do smoke but in the last month have switched to electronic cigarettes any advice on what could help or what it could be ? I know I'm obsessed about this at the moment as when I don't think about it I almost don't notice it x

17-05-13, 09:30
Has the doctor ever sent you to an ENT consultant.

17-05-13, 09:42
Your post could have been written by me!!!!

I'm having weird one sided throat discomfort and ear trouble. My right ear feels blocked even thought the dr has looked and said it looks fine. I did have fluid behind ear drum but that has apparently gone now. My throat feels dry and like there is something stuck just behind my tonsil on the right side. Dr has just given me a weeks worth of antibiotics to see if that helps but this is day three and there have been no improvements. I just don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes the feeling completely goes which I find really strange.

Had it for 5 weeks now :-(

You are not alone.xxxxxx

17-05-13, 11:09
No they havent ,I've decided to decide its just anxiety if the docs thing it's nothing then wel maybe it is something but it certainly isn't serious !hope your okay mogwog let me know if you get any answers xx I think a lot of these throat things are to do with indegestion and things anyway and obviously having anxiety is going to make that worse xx