View Full Version : Worrying about headaches need re assuring!

16-05-13, 21:42

I'm new to this form my name is Jack I'm 17 and i suffer from really bad anxiety and panick attacks this is my latest terrible panic attack.

Here is how it started i was coming back from holiday and i turned my neck to the left and my lower neck and the top of my head hurt every time i turned my head. The next day i noticed they my neck would keep clicking and still is. Also when i move my arms up and down my upper back keeps clicking.

Now I'm having these headaches that seem to last one second each and move around my head so they would move from the top then behind my eye, then it may move somewere else, I'm now paranoid that i have a brain tumor.

Also my right ear hurts when i pop it and my nose is full of catarhh and i have a soar throat sometimes when i swallow.

It's also making me feel very depressed and is now affecting my life big time.

Here i think are some anxiety symptoms, sometimes i can feel pressure in my head, i get dizzy sometimes and a weird one when I'm moving my eyes feel like the need to catch up.

What do you think it is thank you Jack

19-05-13, 15:56
from my experience brain tumour pain does not shift it stayes in one area, the pain would be very bad, and would include vomiting, and possiblily fits.
do you suffer from migraine, it would be worth going to the gp as eye pain can be a symptom of migraine you may have damaged you neck hence the pain, it honestly does not sound like a brain tumour to me, find out about migraine and see the gp take care jack blessings

19-05-13, 19:15
Yo Jack (as I think that's how you address teenagers these days).

First of all stop worrying!! Dear me lad, 17yo and worried already. I'm not dismissing your symptoms, I know all too well about people not believing you when you suffer.

The first thing I'd say is get an appointment with your doctor. If you have a sympathetic doctor he will listen to what you say, then examine you. Just call and make an appointment in the morning (Mon). You don't need to ask your parents permission, just do it.

As for your clicking painful neck, you could have strained it. A strain will take a few days to recover and you could have shooting pains when you move it, I know I have a dodgy back.

Your ear hurts, nose is full of catarrh and you have a sore throat. Ever heard of an ear, nose and throat specialist? They specialise in those three things because they're all connected. Where have you come back off holiday from? Been on a plane? You could have caught some infection from the recycled air on the plane, or you just have an infection from somewhere.

Go see you doctor asap and get checked out and come back and tell us all how you got on.