View Full Version : Did I handle this alright / am I oversensitive?

17-05-13, 01:21
I was at the doctors today and when I was in the waiting room and an old man started crying and telling me that his wife had dementia and couldn't remember who he was. He was telling me about it for 20 minutes and it made me feel really awkward because I didn't know what to do. :unsure:
I was nervous already because I'm a total hypochondriac, so after that I probably looked like I was freaking out even more, I felt like I was shaking (only a bit though) and the doctor thought I was neurotic, I'm sure of it!
I don't think I have social anxiety because I'm chatty apart from when I'm worried about something else, I can help on a busy reception desk just fine and I've even been on stage a few times. So is it normal to feel like that?

17-05-13, 07:14
I think anyone would have found that difficult... Like all of us, you are questioning yourself and doubting your reactions. You say you were sure your doctor thought you were nuerotic....reality is, you don't know what your doctor thought. Sounds to me like you handled the situation brilliantly, and I expect your doctor agreed.

17-05-13, 09:58
I think most people would feel awkward in a situation where a stranger told them personal stuff like that. It doesn't sound like social anxiety, because anyone would have felt the same way. The poor man is probably struggling to cope with his wife's illness and may be very lonely, but it's still an odd thing to tell a stranger.

17-05-13, 10:29
Sometimes it’s easier to tell a stranger your worries as they have no preconceived ideas about you or your family, a bit like phoning the Samaritans, you can cry and be a baby and it makes you feel better and no one else know that you have talked about you partner behind their back.
You did good girl don’t doubt it, he didn’t want you to give any input I wouldn’t think but I bet he felt better afterwards.
No I am sure you don’t have any social anxiety, and don’t underestimate yourself you sound like a lovely caring person.

17-05-13, 15:59
I visit a care home frequently, and many times strangers come to talk to me.

Some times it is very hard as to what to say, but I keep the conversation going.

I never ignore anyone who wants to talk. Even though it makes me a nervous


You did well to listen to the old man Uncertain he probably felt better after.
I agree with what jamanjie says too.:hugs::hugs:for everyone

17-05-13, 17:22
I think you handled the situation admirably.

I wouldn't tell a stranger my troubles in person, but do plenty of it here :)

Sometimes it's good to unload, but obviously it's a bit awkward to be on the receiving end in person.

18-05-13, 02:45
(Slightly smug/pleased post below)
So tonight I was walking back after one of my evening courses and came across a man who'd fallen over on his face and injured himself, I don't think it was life-threatening but he definitely broke his nose because it was flat :ohmy: and probably some other stuff. I am first-aid trained so me and another man who works near there stayed with him waiting for the ambulance. Strangely, this didn't bother me in the same way and we just dealt with it in a calm manner even when the guy seemed to have passed out for a bit, and the paramedics said well done.
I actually feel rather proud of myself now and generally positive (apart from still being worried about my lymph nodes!)

Looking forward to seeing my St John Ambulance instructor on Tuesday and mentioning that as well as the fact I actually made it to both courses (it was actually one of those I was coming back from tonight, lol) cause I missed one before and they were complaining about the mandatory charges for booking it and my 'terrible reliability'.
I also found out today that my brother finally managed to get a job! :biggrin:

18-05-13, 13:06
:yesyes: yes, you did well Uncertain:flowers: