View Full Version : [possible trigger] I'm not getting near to a diagnosis and I'm just terrified now...

17-05-13, 13:35
Hi All

My history (you could probably figure this out reading past posts but here goes)...
1. Boyfriend had scab on chin - went away, I got scab on chin, then forehead, then nose... Several doctors, two weeks of antibiotics, antivirals and cream later the conclusion was that it was impetigo, got rid of it.
2. During this incident my eyes became sore, too sore to wear contact lenses any more (no redness apart from the blood vessels inside my eyelids are hugely inflamed).
3. Bad taste in mouth - put it down to antibiotics, it doesn't stop when I've finished them, although it seems to have stopped now.
3. Now I've got D, lots of it, and cramping...
4. Then my left arm starts twinging, all the time, kind of annoying but meh.
5. D kind of stopped, but things still aren't right, I've lost a stone in weight, appetite disappeared completely, food not digesting properly still.

Currently: appetite has come back, but afraid of lots of foods, and bowels still aren't right, am gassy (lots of burps and f**** - you're welcome ;), left arm is agony, knuckles, wrist, elbow all hurt, and now my neck hurts (I think as a result of carrying around gimpy arm), my lower back hurts and my eyes are still sore...

I have a referral (supposedly) for potential IBD (mum has it, not that surprised, resigned myself to life with a stoma), but now my bowels have settled significantly (not great still) and everyone (doctors, mum) keeps saying that my tummy isn't tender enough for IBD, but the other symptoms and family history keep them going with that.

In the meantime, I've convinced myself it's cancer (I'm a smoker and I'm a bit fat), , lung cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer bone cancer etc... I'm in pain and I'm grumpy as hell. I'm 24 and facing a complete unknown wilderness of tests... The first blood tests they ran they didn't even look for cancer markers, and I'm having a second set on Tuesday where they are looking for cancer markers. And to help everything out, the telephone counselling I arranged when this all kicked off, yeah, they decided just not to call me today, so now I'm even more stressed.

Having just written all this I've decided I don't even mind if no one replies, I just wanted to say it... In short, "Ow, it hurts, and I'm really really scared".

17-05-13, 13:43
Hi there,
So sorry you are feeling this way. Good news you are having some tests to check.
Remember, a high percentage of the time when we think we may have cancer, there is another simple explanation.
Hope you get on ok and let us know.
Hugs x

---------- Post added at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

Just as an aside, some of the symptoms you describe are those of fibromyalgia. Ask you doc x