View Full Version : Anal cancer worries

17-05-13, 18:28
I had a digital rectal exam twice, which probably would have picked up signs of rectal cancer, anal cancer, bowel cancer, prostate cancer etc (I don't what how the doctor can tell by just feeling something is wrong)

Would signs of infection be picked up with a digital rectal exam. and anal fissures would this have been picked up.

(I try my hardest not to itch my bottom) but read that it very rare that itchy bottom could be a sign of cancer. I try my hardest to wipe gently to avoid itchiness (I have checked myself with a mirror and cannot see anything) I had an exam two weeks ago with specialist.

I also worried about piles/haemorrhoids.

I am going for a camera job soon.

I do go for poo regularly and I always check my poo every times. I have been afraid of bowel cancer and a lot of cancer lately.

17-05-13, 18:52
Hi there.
I'm not sure about digital exam, sorry. However, it sounds like you are going down the right route for reassurance.
I have had anal fissures and the doc said that they generally produce bright red blood. Dark blood, or blood in your stools which make them dark can be an indication of needing checked out further.
Piles/haemaroids are very common and easily treated so no need to worry.
Never heard of an itchy bottom being cancer.
Hope you get the support you need.

17-05-13, 18:54

If you had an examination 2 weeks with a specialist then you have nothing to worry about to be honest.

17-05-13, 19:16
Many thanks for your replies.

I am hoping that all my worries just go away one day. Like I have said before if there was a problem with results (CT scan) someone would come and take me to hospital for treatment by now.

17-05-13, 19:35
I'm sure that would be the case.
Hope you have a restful weekend :0)

17-05-13, 19:59
Many thanks

I been told I have IBS 6 months ago and had lots of tests done just to reassurance myself (I would dread the bill if I went private, but I would still do if it I had to), my parents say there is nothing wrong and should trust the doctors as the doctors GP and specialists know more about these things than non doctors. No signs of worms. I must stop reading these Internet websites, especially Daily Mail/NHS/Bupa etc.

I am hoping next year when my Dad does his next bowel cancer screening I would not be like this. I understand why it is important he has to do this (as well as millions of other people across the world)